fredag 18 oktober 2024

Putin's new weapon to divide the West

Expert: "Russia is the world's best at propaganda"

Joachim Kerpner

Published 2024-10-18 21.06
Quick version
  • Russia invests enormous sums, up to SEK 200 billion annually, in information operations with the aim of creating division in the West. Among other things, they use social media to effectively manipulate public opinion.
  • Russian influence operations have been particularly effective in polarized societies with two-party systems such as the United States and the United Kingdom. They use influencers and political candidates to spread misinformation.
  • Through AI, Russia generates fake news sites and content that distorts the facts. Their propaganda machine is constantly evolving to meet new challenges and remain relevant on a global level.
Russia is the world's best at propaganda, according to Pekka Kallioniemi, an expert on disinformation and social media.

A huge Russian investment has successfully increased division in the West.

- Russia will spend up to SEK 200 billion next year on information operations, he says.
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The Finn Pekka Kallioniemi exposes pro-Russian actors on the website Vatnik Soup Vatnik Soup and has recently published the book "Vatnik Soup - The Ultimate Guide to Russian Disinformation".

He believes that Russia has developed the world's best model for conducting information warfare, a model that constantly adapts to new challenges
- The Russians were the first to understand the potential of social media and have used it very effectively, says Kallioniemi.
Finländaren Pekka Kallioniemi är expert på desinformation och sociala medier.
The Finn Pekka Kallioniemi is an expert on disinformation and social media. Photo: Saara Partanen
How much does Putins background in Sovjet Union's KGB security service matter?

- The entire leadership in the Kremlin comes mainly from the KGB and FSB. They understand that information is power.

The Russian intelligence services have been particularly successful in the United States and Great Britain:

- Polarized societies with two-party systems are a fertile breeding ground for Russian influence operations. They are throwing fuel on the fire, says Kallioniemi.
Kända amerikanska influerare som Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson fick betalt av konservativa Tenet Media som finansierades av ett ryskt mediabolag.
Famous American influencers such as Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson were paid by conservative Tenet Media which was financed by a Russian media company. Photo: Wikipedia

Got $10 million

A current and very clear example is American conservative Tenet Media, which in September 2024 was shut down after the American Department of Justice indicted the company.

The reason: Tenet Media allegedly received 10 million dollars from the Russian media company RT. The money went to well-known American influencers with an audience of millions, in exchange for, among other things, accusing Ukraine of the terrorist act in Moscow at Crocus City Hall.

- Millions of fanatical followers who believe everything the influencer says is an extremely effective tool. The information comes from Russian state media, but is laundered with the help of black money, says Kallioniemi.

Another example is Jill Stein, presidential candidate for the American Green Party.

She visited Moscow in 2015 and met Putin. In 2016, the Russian troll factory Internet Research Agency supported her presidential campaign, and she took many votes among black voters in three swing states, which may have tipped the presidential election in Trump's favor, according to Kallioniemi:

- Now there is a strong campaign for Stein among Muslims in the wave champion state of Michigan. Stein's goal is to take Muslim votes that would otherwise have gone to the Democrats. It is still impossible to say, but future research may show that she is campaigning with Russian support, he says.

Spread with AI

Ten years ago, the Russian propaganda machine built on troll accounts and bots, which spread hate through the internet's comment fields. Nowadays, it is AI that matters.

- The Russians create thousands of websites that look like real news sites, but are in fact AI generated, says Kallioniemi.

Here most news are copied from real media and correct. But sometimes fake news sneaks in, for example that the president of Ukraine allegedly bought Hitler's old car.

The reason why Russian propaganda is so successful is, among other things, about money. 
- There are estimates that show that the Russian state will spend somewhere between 10 and 20 billion dollars on influence operations next year. At the same time, the EU is investing tens of millions of euros, notes Kallioniemi.  
Davidsstjärnor klottrade på fasader i Paris.
Stars of David scrawled on facades in Paris.

Campaigns in social media

Recently, the Russian security service has been behind the deployment in Paris of coffins with the inscription "French soldiers in Ukraine" and the painting of 250 Jewish Stars of David on the city's facades.

- Russia pays people in Eastern Europe who need money to carry out these actions. The combination of real events that then become social media campaigns has become increasingly popular, says Kallioniemi.

Is Russia training its allies in China, North Korea and Iran to act similarly?

- There are signs that Russia and China are cooperating in cyber activities. I wouldn't be surprised if they are currently collaborating on influencer operations in the US election.

From what I understand, the Nordic countries are ”vaccinated” against Russian propaganda. Why?

- The young people learn media knowledge and source criticism at school. And the residents are among the happiest in the world. It is difficult to penetrate our societies because people are satisfied with their lives. In the US, trust in the media and politicians is much lower, they prefer to listen to people like Tucker Carlson, says Pekka Kallioniemi.

Klotter med kistor or inskriptionen ”Franska soldater i Ukraina”.
Doodles with coffins and the inscription "French soldiers in Ukraine". Photo: AP

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