onsdag 16 oktober 2024

The election in the United States

The election in the United States The electoral movement
Michigan's Muslim voters could topple Harris

The longer Israel wages war in the Middle East, the more support Kamala Harris loses among the hundreds of thousands of Muslim voters in the key swing state of Michigan. This is reported by SvD.

- There are lots of people here who will vote for a third-party candidate, says Marlene Kheireddine in Dearborn.

That the US has now given Israel a deadline of 30 days to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza can be seen in the light of this, says US expert Sofie Rud to Danish TV2.

The Democrats are now groping at the last moment for smaller voter groups in swing states, such as the Muslims in Michigan, she continues.

- Harris has lacked something to win over these Muslim voters with [...] Now she can say that you are not afraid to take out the sledgehammer and stop the weapons going to Israel.


The election in the United States • The gubernatorial election
Robinson sues CNN for 'black NAZI' review

North Carolina Republican Mark Robinson is suing CNN for defamation, US media reports. According to Robinson, the media company has tried to sabotage his campaign to become governor.

Last month, CNN published an investigation into Robinson that received wide attention. The politician is said to have called himself a "black NAZI" and used grossly racist, anti-Semitic and sexual language in an online porn forum. He is said to have also given support to the reintroduction of slavery.

Many Republicans, including presidential candidate Donald Trump, have distanced themselves from Robinson's gubernatorial campaign.

CNN has not commented on the lawsuit.

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