lördag 14 september 2024

The LGBT struggle in Asia

Slow fight for same-sex marriage: "Will be delayed"

Little suggests that more Asian countries will follow Thailand's example and allow same-sex marriage in the near future, reports CNN.

This year, Thailand became the continent's fourth country to implement such a reform, but experts believe that in many places there is a stalemate. The Government of India has indeed launched an investigation into same-sex marriage, but still without results.

In Japan, a majority of the country's population wants to allow same-sex marriage, but traditional values ​​are at odds. In six countries, homosexuality is prohibited and trans people are oppressed by their governments.

However, gender professor Suen Yiu-tung believes that Thailand is a positive example and says that the public discussion has gained momentum around Asia.

- The outlook is positive, but it will take a while.
Researchers: LGBTQ reforms can bring economic benefits

Asian countries that do not yet allow same-sex marriage could gain financially from implementing such a reform, says gender researcher Shawna Tang.

She tells CNN that international companies are in need of moving staff around the world and that changes have been proposed in Singapore and Hong Kong, among others. In this way, employed LGBTQ people could work in the countries.

- If a country welcomes these liberal tech companies, while the rest of society is repressive, governments must think about how to handle it.

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