tisdag 8 oktober 2024

The climate threat

The floods in Bosnia
Entire villages have been swept away in landslides – at least 22 dead

The floods and mudslides in Bosnia and Herzegovina have caused at least 22 deaths, reports Reuters. Another six people are missing, and the search for survivors continues around the worst-hit towns of Konjic and Jablanica.

Infrastructure linking the central and southern parts of the country is badly damaged, and part of the railway carrying freight traffic to the Croatian port of Ploce is completely destroyed.

In addition to the human losses, the disaster entails enormous economic costs. The destroyed railway alone means lost revenue of over one million kroner a day, says a spokesperson for the railway company.


The climate threat The climate actions
UN criticism of Sweden for firing the climate activist

The UN criticizes Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin (M) and the Energy Agency for the case of the fired climate activist. This is reported by DN, which has read a letter that UN rapporteur Michel Forst wrote to the government.

"In this time of climate crisis, I am seriously concerned that the government has assessed her participation in peaceful environmental protests as a threat to national security," writes Forst in the letter.

On April 4 this year, the climate activist was suspended from her security-classified job at the Energy Agency after it was noticed that she was involved in the Rebel mothers, which are part of the climate movement.

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