fredag 13 september 2024

The Israel-Hamas War

The Israel-Hamas War|The Victims
At least 22,500 Gazans have suffered life-changing injuries

At least 22,500 injured in Gaza during the eleven months of the war have "life-changing" injuries. This is stated by the World Health Organization WHO according to AFP.

This means that they will need many years of rehabilitation.

- The enormous increase in rehabilitation needs is happening in parallel with the ongoing breakdown of the health care system, says WHO's Rik Peeperkorn.

Among the seriously injured are "many thousands of women and children" according to the WHO's analysis. These include spinal injuries, brain injuries, severe burns and injuries that lead to amputation.

According to the Hamas-controlled health ministry in Gaza, whose figures are generally regarded as credible, 41,118 people have been killed and 95,000 injured in the ongoing war.
Israel-Hamas war|Political situation in Israel
Gradual recovery for Benjamin Netanyahu's party

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's wounded ruling Likud party is gradually recovering in public opinion, according to a Reuters poll.

The survey, which is published in the left-wing newspaper Maariv, shows that Likud would get 24 seats in the parliament, the Knesset, if there were elections today, compared to today's 32 seats. It is the highest figure since before the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7 last year. Earlier in the war, opinion polls showed that Likud would get 16–18 seats. The Knesset has a total of 120 members.

Criticism of Netanyahu has been strong, but his coalition with far-right and ultra-Orthodox parties has so far held. However, the poll shows that today's coalition would lose the election with 53 seats to the opposition bloc's 58. While Likud's support has recovered, the same trend is not noticeable for its coalition parties.
Israeli newspaper: What is the state of Israel hiding in Gaza?

“Why does Israel not allow foreign journalists into Gaza? What is Israel hiding?” That's the headline of an unsigned editorial in the Israeli left-liberal newspaper Haaretz.

The newspaper demands that journalists be allowed to come in and report. Being embedded with the Israeli army cannot be compared to free and independent journalism, according to the leader.

"By blocking journalists from Gaza, Israel not only impedes reporting on the horrors of the war, but also hinders real-time scrutiny of Hamas' claims - a key Israeli interest."

SR's Middle East correspondent Cecilia Uddén addresses the Haaretz leader in her foreign column on Friday.

- Israel is being investigated for genocide and no independent foreign journalists are present, while we journalists are constantly accused of hiding the truth about Gaza. 


The Israel-Hamas warThe attacks
Notification stop exits - admits failure

Israeli intelligence chief Yossi Sariel resigns as a result of the Hamas attacks on October 7 last year, reports the Times of Israel. He was in charge of the country's main intelligence unit and failed to stop the attack despite warning signs.

- I did not fulfill my mission, he says.

As recently as July there were reports that Sariel refused to resign because it would be perceived as "cowardly".

About 1,200 Israelis were killed and 251 were taken hostage.

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