lördag 12 oktober 2024

The Russian invasion

The Russian invasion • The battles
40,000 Russians sent to Kursk: "Has been normalized"

Russia has sent an estimated 40,000 soldiers to the Kursk region in which Ukraine went on the offensive in August, writes CNN. Russia has retaken some areas but has not managed to push Ukraine back to the other side of the border.

- Over time, the Kursk operation has become normalized to some extent, says analyst Mark Galeotti at the British think tank Royal United Services Institute

The fighting is said to be fierce but without any major changes at the fronts. According to CNN, however, the Ukrainian goal of weakening Russia on other fronts has failed.
The Russian invasion • The outside world's response
NATO builds giant base 40 miles from Crimea: "Krutdurk"

One of Europe's largest NATO air bases is now being built at lightning speed outside the port city of Constanta in Romania - 40 miles from the Russian-occupied Crimean peninsula, writes SvD. It is about the Mihail Kogalniceanu airbase that was built during the communist era and is now being expanded.

The aim is to strengthen NATO's presence in the Black Sea region, which is described by the Romanian Ministry of Defense as a "powder keg". The base, which will eventually include 10,000 NATO soldiers, should be seen as a warning to Russia and the country's "imperialist ambitions", says State Secretary Simona Cojocaru.

- Russia should know that we are ready to face any form of aggression, she says.


The Finnish NATO message

Finland sought Trump's support for NATO membership

When Finland applied for membership in NATO, they were not satisfied with the support of the White House and President Joe Biden - they also took the opportunity to convince ex-President Donald Trump to support the application, writes The New York Times.

Mikko Hautala, Finland's ambassador to the United States, is said to have personally visited Trump at his home in Florida, to avert his possible opposition to Finnish NATO membership. And the strategy worked, writes the newspaper. In August 2022, the Senate voted through Finland's application with 95–1. A critical post from Trump could have swayed Republicans to vote differently, but he remained silent.

The article draws a larger picture of how Trump has continued to act as a power factor since he left the White House, and how world leaders have made pilgrimages to his home. Very unusual, says Jeremy Shapiro, former official in the US State Department.

- I guess it comes from his status as both a former and potentially future president, which of course is unique.

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