torsdag 4 juni 2020

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พล.อ.ประยุทธ์ จันทร์โอชา นายกรัฐมนตรีและรัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงกลาโหม ใช้ช่วงหนึ่งของการชี้แจงร่าง พ.ร.บ.โอนงบประมาณรายจ่าย พ.ศ... วงเงิน 88,452 ล้านบาท เรียกร้องความเข้าใจให้ทหาร โดยออกตัวว่าไม่ใช่ว่าเพราะเขาเป็นทหารจึงเห็นใจทหาร แต่เพราะทหารต้องช่วยหลายเรื่อง
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" soldiers never claim more benefits . . General. Oh, my God. Prayut Chan Ocha, Prime Minister and minister of defense uses a part of clarification of the body. The school. B. Transfer Budget, expenses, hospital. Prof... the limit of 88,452 million baht calls for understanding for soldiers. It's not that it's because he is a soldier, so i feel sorry for soldiers, but because soldiers have to help many . The Prime Minister said that the department of defense needs to slow down some projects to transfer budget to solve covids-19 and natural disasters, but some ammunition procurement can't slow down. . " Soldiers do many duties together. Even if it's not direct duty. They don't want to help. They don't help. Covids have to help flood. Rain. Even though they have to help them all. The only duty is to protect the country... these are more duties. Never demanded more benefits " . " in the ammunition, I don't make excuses. If you want to tell why I have to use expensive stuff. Good things. People's life is important to do his duty to be safe in his own life and property. He has a family, have a family and wife to work. There must be protected. Him to be safe. But what can still stretch, still have to find it. Now, let's continue to find it in the next phase. But if you say no need to do anything, then there is no more soldiers, it's up to you think the prime minister . Read more news details here

โฆษก ศบค.ระบุคนไทยในต่างแดนทุกคนมีสิทธิที่จะกลับภูมิลำเนา แต่ต้องเข้ากระบวนการกักกันโรคและตรวจหาเชื้ออย่างเคร่งครัดSpokesman of Prof. Identify Thai people in different countries. Everyone has the right to go back to Phum, but they must enter the detention process and detect the malays strictly

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