lördag 31 augusti 2024

Latest news

The development of AI
Japanese company releases "AI researchers" - is it the end or the beginning of science?

The Tokyo-based company Sakana AI Labs has developed an "AI scientist" that is attracting a lot of attention. It is claimed to be able to manage the entire research process without human intervention.

Jevin West, a researcher at the University of Washington in Seattle, is impressed by the attempt to cover the entire chain from idea to study with a comprehensive solution.

- I think we should play with this, the potential to help research is enormous, she tells Nature.

The science journal writes that the system is not yet groundbreaking and that it has many limitations. In particular, the "AI scientist" lacks what most scientists consider to be a crucial part of science — the ability to perform laboratory work.

Researcher Gerbrand Ceder says that a lot of work remains for an AI to be practically implementable.

- If you look ahead, I have no doubt that this is where a large part of science will develop.
The Norwegian "spy whale" Hvaldimir has died

Hvaldimir, Norway's most famous white whale, is dead. This is reported by the Norwegian media.

The unusually contact-seeking white whale appeared near Hammerfest in Northern Norway in the spring of 2019. He was wearing a camera harness that was marked "equipment from Saint Petersburg".

It gave rise to the theory that he was part of a Russian spy program, and he was named Hvaldimir after the Norwegian word for election and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

However, the theory has never been proven. Another theory is that he may have been a therapy animal in a program for children with disabilities, according to VG.

Hvaldimir was found dead in the inlet in southern Norway's Risavika on Saturday. The cause of death is unknown, and he will now undergo an autopsy.

Political situation in Germany
The German extreme right can take a historic victory tomorrow

On Sunday, the extreme right can take power in a German state for the first time since the Second World War, writes the BBC.

Then Thuringia and Saxony in the former East Germany go to the polls. In Thuringia, the far-right party AFD leads in public opinion with 30 percent support. In Saxony, support is 31 percent, but there the Christian Democratic CDU leads by two percentage points.

AFD's success in the East is not only about immigration resistance, but is based on a sense of exclusion and injustice that has been brewing for decades since the fall of the wall.

Many feel that western Germany, which has stronger industry and higher wages, looks down on them.

- Germany is united now, but in practice the differences are big [...] We are forgotten, says 16-year-old Constantin, one of many young AFD supporters who were born after the fall of the wall.

The fight against IS
USA: 15 IS terrorists killed in raid in western Iraq

15 people belonging to the terrorist group IS have been killed in a raid in western Iraq, writes the US Central Command, Centcom, in a post on X. The raid was carried out Thursday morning by American and Iraqi forces.

According to AP, seven American soldiers are said to have been injured in the raid, but none of them are said to be life-threatening.

Centcom writes that the IS stronghold contained several weapons, grenades and bomb belts.

The aim of the raid was to disrupt and weaken IS's ability to plan, organize and carry out terrorist attacks, writes the central command on X.

Political situation in Myanmar

Poor people in Myanmar are selling their kidneys on Facebook

The rampant poverty in Myanmar has caused poor people to start selling their kidneys on Facebook, reports CNN.

- There is no other way for me to survive without robbing or killing people, says a man who sold his kidney to a rich businessman for the equivalent of 32,000 kroner - two years' wages in Myanmar.

Intermediaries are often used, and the operations are carried out in India. Both there and in Myanmar, organ trafficking is illegal.

CNN has found three Facebook groups where organs are being sold. After contacting parent company Meta, one group was removed, but CNN did not receive any other comment.
New UN millions to curb Myanmar's humanitarian crisis

Myanmar, where poverty has reached such levels that residents are selling their kidneys on Facebook, will receive the equivalent of around SEK 125 million from the UN in crisis aid. Reuters reports.

It is part of a new aid package targeting ten ongoing humanitarian crises. Myanmar's contribution will be the third largest - most money is given to Yemen and Ethiopia, which have suffered from famine, internal displacement, disease and climate disasters, according to the UN spokesperson.


The Israel-Hamas war

The Israel-Hamas war|The negotiations
The families: Netanyahu sentences the hostages to death

Family members of hostages accuse Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of sentencing their relatives to death, the Times of Israel reports.

Netanyahu's announcement that he wants to establish permanent control of the Philadelphia Corridor, which runs along the Gaza Strip's border with Egypt, has generated major protests in Tel Aviv. It complicates the negotiations with Hamas, which demands a complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in order to release the hostages.

- Netanyahu's actions are a crime against the people, against the state of Israel and against Zionism, says Einav Zangauker, mother of hostage Matan Zangauker.

Even the former intelligence chief of the Israel Defense Forces, Amos Yadlin, is critical.

- The hostage has been abandoned. Every Israeli should go out and demonstrate, he says.
Netanyahu in big row with defense minister over Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant got into a big fight during a Security Cabinet meeting on Thursday, CNN reports.

The row was over Israeli troop presence in Gaza, specifically the so-called Philadelphia Corridor along the border with Egypt, in the first phase of a ceasefire.

Gallant accused Netanyahu of "imposing" on the negotiators different maps of the troop positions than those presented by the negotiators in Cairo. They will not be accepted by Hamas, according to Gallant.

- I forced? said an angry Netanyahu.

- Of course it was you. You are running the negotiations all on your own, Gallant replied.

During the meeting, Netanyahu is said to have said he thinks it is more important to have soldiers in the Philadelphia corridor than to release the hostages, which shocked Gallant, according to the Times of Israel.

Elon Musk's X/Twitter

X offline – Brazilians flock to rival Bluesky

Elon Musk's social media platform X was shut down on Saturday in Brazil, the day after a court order, The Guardian reports.

Half a million of the more than 20 million X users in Brazil have now switched to rival Bluesky, which posted a welcome message in Portuguese.

According to web developer Kuba Suder, 73.7 percent of posts on the platform in the past 24 hours – a total of 3.25 million – have been written in Portuguese.

X was shut down in Brazil after Elon Musk refused to obey HD judge Alexandre de Morae's calls to shut down accounts accused of spreading misinformation.


Opposition politician: "An attack on democracy"

Brazilian HD judge Alexandre de Morae's decision to shut down platform X in Brazil is dividing the country. It is noticeable not least on X, where many rushed to write their "last post" when the news came out on Friday evening.

"An attack on democracy and the entire nation," wrote senator and ex-president Jair Bolsonaro's former women's minister Damares Alves. "Dictatorship," wrote liberal congressmen Carla Zambelli and Nikolas Ferreira, among many others, urging people to join a demonstration on September 7.

Most supporters of Lula da Silva's government applaud the decision. According to his former sports minister, the communist Orlando Silva, the legislators have "left a void" by not regulating digital platforms.

"As long as Congress does not do so, the judiciary is responsible for maintaining Brazil's sovereignty and legal control," he writes on X.

But even among those who support the government, some are beginning to think that HD judge Moraes has gone too far. Political analyst André Cesar tells Reuters:

- He thinks he has public opinion on his side, but I wonder for how long.

Happiness: "Our love has won - against all odds"

Princess Märtha Louise
Now the princess and the shaman are married: "Victory against all odds"

Jenny Alexandersson,

Adam Westin

Updated 21.53 | Published 14.59

Now they have said yes!

Princess Märtha Louise and shaman Durek Verrett are husband and wife.

In a white tent with the beautiful Geirengerfjord as a backdrop, they kissed each other in front of the altar.

- I feel beyond happy, says Durek Verrett to the press gathering on site.

Princess Märtha Louise had her three daughters close to her during the wedding, they mean everything to her.

Eldest daughter Maud Angelica Behn followed her mother to the altar. All three girls wore gold shimmering dresses.

Margit Lovise Holte, who is a close friend of Märtha Louise, married the couple. Pastor Michael Beckwith also attended the ceremony.

Märtha wore a white pompous dress with a long veil. In her hair was a small glittering tiara that she received as a gift from her grandfather when she turned 18. She was holding a large bridal bouquet of pink roses.

1 / 3Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

Belly girdle in gold

Durek wore a black jacket-like suit with a gold belly belt. He carried pink roses in his breast pocket.

The seven bridesmaids wore pink dresses and small sweet pink bouquets of roses. The seven marshals matched with pink roses in their breast pockets.

The shaman and the princess got engaged in 2022 and have been a couple since 2019.

The shaman is now a member of the royal family, but he will not be given a princely title and it is not expected of him to represent the royal house and Norway. Since Märtha Louise is no longer a working royal, the same applies to Durek.

"Love is the original energy"

It has been unusually sparing with pictures and comments from the newly married couple, when they sold the TV rights to Netflix and the wedding photo to the magazine Hello.

- Our love has won against all odds and will last forever, says Märtha Louise to Hello.

- Love conquers all because love is the original energy that we all are on this planet. It triumphs over everything, adds Durek Verrett.

At 18.30 they met the assembled press on site, and offered the occasional kiss in front of the cameras.

Märtha Louise said that the wedding ceremony was "fantastic", and is now looking forward to a wonderful dinner.

- I feel "on top of the world" about marrying this woman. I have been waiting for it for so many years, says Durek Verrett.

I bakre raden, ovanför bruden, skymtar de svenska kungligheterna på plats – prinsessan Sofia, prins Carl Philip, kronprinsessan Victoria och prins Daniel.
In the back row, above the bride, the Swedish royals can be seen in place – Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel. Photo: Maja Moan / NTB

The princess kissed a frog - again

Princess Märtha Louise
The princess kissed a frog - again

Kerstin Nilsson

Updated 08.09 | Published 07.14

22 years ago, she kissed a frog in Trondheim and tearfully said "yes" to the writer Ari Behn.

Now Princess Märtha Louise, 52, has kissed a new frog – the controversial shaman Durek Verrett, 49.

Today they are getting married.

And history – and the scandals – repeat itself.

Quick version
One thing is clear:

She does not make it easy for herself, the Norwegian
princess Märtha Louise.

She is undeniably going her own way, whatever the cost.

And that is admirable in its own way.

She is not a dime a dozen.

Neither was
Ari Behn—and certainly not Durek Verrett, the utterly unlikely and highly debated American shaman she has now chosen as her husband.


          Märtha Louise and Ari Behn – newlyweds

         1 / 2Photo: Mats Strand

Or as father the king, King Harald of Norway, said to Märtha Louise and Ari Behn at the wedding dinner in 2002:

- I'm sure it won't be a standard life. None of you are what can be characterized as "A4 people".

You can say a lot about Durek Verrett, but he is not an A4 person, either.

She has an unfailing nose for scandals, the beautiful and free-spirited Norwegian princess.
Under fredagkvällen gick startskottet för Märtha Louises och Durek Verretts bröllopshelg.
On Friday evening, Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett's wedding weekend got off the ground. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB
Today she says yes to the self-proclaimed shaman Durek Verrett in a meadow in Geiranger, with the fjord and mountains as a background.

Last time, the man at her side was called Ari Behn.

I was there that time, that May day in 2002, when they said yes to each other.

I sat in the mighty Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim, together with Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine – that was before Daniel, Sofia and Chris O'Neill.
Här kysser Märtha Louise en riktig groda.
Here, Märtha Louise kisses a real frog. Photo: Mats Strand
Princess Märtha Louise, then 30 years old, was radiantly beautiful in her off-white wedding dress with the three-meter long train. The velvet-eyed Ari Behn had exchanged his extravagant blazers and colorful shirts for a tight coat - and in honor of the day had shaved off his signature stubble.

Märtha Louise wept with happiness when he put the white gold ring with brilliants on her finger.
It was a real fairytale wedding, with "princess school" for the children, with a real frog to kiss - and for three days the folk festival went on, which involved the whole of Norway.

Then the wedding was broadcast live on Norwegian television – this time Norwegian media are not welcome to be present during the wedding.
Märtha Louise och Ari Behn tar emot folkets kärlek efter vigseln.
Märtha Louise and Ari Behn receive the people's love after the wedding. Photo: Mats Strand
No other media either – Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett have – for an unknown number of millions – sold the rights to the wedding to the British weekly Hello Magazine and the streaming giant Netflix.

The royal couple and crown prize Haakon and his family have, however, announced in protest against this that they refuse to pose for pictures that other media are not also able to take - that's neat.

How to solve it remains to be seen.

That is one of the differences with the wedding 22 years ago - otherwise there are many similarities.

Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Carl Philip are there this time too, now together with Prince Daniel and Princess Sofia.

In the years that have passed since the last time, they have also managed to get married and become parents, just like Märtha Louise herself, who had three daughters together with Ari Behn.
Märtha Louise och barnen tar ett sista farväl.
Märtha Louise and the children say a final goodbye. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB
On Christmas Day 2019 itself, he took his own life, aged 47. Not only the royal family, but all of Norway, was shocked by the news that he was found dead at home.

On the same day, Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Werrett were at the Christmas fair together with the royal couple.

Now it's him she's going to marry - in a new fairytale wedding, which lasts four days.

But this time she and her husband-to-be have to pay for the multimillion-dollar party themselves. According to the media, it is the king himself who pays, from his private money.

Once again,Princess Märtha Louise has chosen a man of scandals.

For those of you who remember, the princess' love for Ari Behn also caused an outcry at the time.

Princess Märtha Louise – who is actually a trained physiotherapist, although she later devoted herself more to the spiritual, such as talking to angels – was on a course in rose therapy with his mother and fell head over heels for her son:

Ari Behn, the controversial writer who loved to be in the spotlight and to provoke.

In the media he was described as a "decadent clothes snob with an extravagant lifestyle".

And the headlines were not long in coming.
Ari Behn ställde till rabalder när det såg ut som att han rökte på i en dokumentär.
Ari Behn caused an uproar when it looked like he was smoking in a documentary.
Ari Behn caused a stir. First with a TV documentary about drugged prostitutes in Las Vegas, where it looked as if he himself sat smoking marijuana - then by sawing the then President of the United States George W Bush.

Then, as now, King Harald was forced to act.

Privately, he liked to socialize with Ari Behn, in convivial ways, and over the years Ari Behn became a valued member of the royal family.

But publicly the king was forced to mark.

Before the engagement, he declared that Ari Behn would in no way represent the Norwegian royal house, nor would he be able to title himself prince.

20 years later, history would repeat itself – with Durek Verrett.
Kung Harald och drottning Sonja hälsar bröllopsgästerna.
King Harald and Queen Sonja greet the wedding guests. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB
King Harald has once again been forced to publicly distance himself from his daughter's future husband, not just once but several times.

And this time he was forced to go a step further – two years ago Princess Märtha Louise had to renounce all her royal duties – because of Durek Verrett.

She is still allowed to call herself princess and she remains fourth in line to the throne, but she is not allowed to use her princess title in commercial contexts.

Compared to Princess's new love, the scandals and headlines surrounding Ari Behn at the time seem quite harmless.

He is today more or less canonized.

Shaman Durek plays in a different half of the field.

He claims to know how to drive spirits out of children with cancer, and during the pandemic he sold an amulet by mail order for several thousand kroner that was claimed to cure the disease.
Märtha Louise står vid Durek Verretts sida trots att det stormar.
Märtha Louise stands by Durek Verrett's side despite the storm. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB
He has made a series of controversial statements that have caused both the Norwegian royal house and the Norwegian people to go to the roof.

And Princess Märtha Louise, despite all the criticism and despite everything it has cost her, has chosen to stand by his side, through thick and thin.

Today they say yes to each other.

We don't know what the next scandal will be.

Just that it will come.

King Harald can probably be said to have risen from the ashes in the fire - but he is said to be sober now.

Extreme weather in Europe

Extreme weather threatens celebrated drinking quartet

Extreme weather linked to climate change in the form of heavy downpours, droughts and storms is now hampering production for some of Europe's most popular beverage manufacturers, reports Euronews.

Purely, the British pint may be under threat. The reason is that the important ingredient hops does not thrive in warmer and drier climates. The well-known Guinness beer is also said to be in the danger zone, as manufacturers warn of water shortages.

Even producers of the popular prosecco bubble and the Hungarian fruit spirit pálinka are said to have had it tougher as a result of increasingly unpredictable weather.
Greek fish death.


Tavern owner: "Income is zero, morale is zero"

160 tons of dead fish have been washed away around the coastal town of Volos in Greece, but the stench is heavy and the tourists are fleeing the field. That is reported by Kathimerini.

The fish kill has occurred after floods followed by severe drought forced freshwater fish into the sea, where they cannot survive.

For business, it has been a "bad week". Dimitris Iakovidis owns a tavern on the promenade.

- I have 20 employees and we just sit and stare at each other. Morale is down to zero, incomes too.


Fish death creates state of emergency for Greek port city

The Greek port city of Volos has declared a state of emergency after being completely flooded with dead fish, the Athens News Agency reports. Pictures show how huge amounts of fish have accumulated along the coast and in rivers.

The reason for the fish death is that a nearby lake flooded last year. When the water eventually receded, the freshwater fishermen were forced to seek out the port of Volos, which opens into the sea, and there they cannot survive.

The stench is described as unbearable and tourists have left the area.

The Russian invasion|The response of the outside world

Switzerland is considering breaking its 500-year neutrality

Switzerland should abandon the 500-year-old policy of neutrality and develop a "common defense policy" with the EU and NATO. That is the conclusion of an expert report that was submitted to President Viola Amherd on Thursday, writes Politico.

The report was written by a range of security experts – among them diplomats, high-ranking government officials and a former army chief. In it, a "revision" of Swiss neutrality is called for.

"Since Russia's attack on Ukraine, neutrality has once again become a topic of debate both at home and abroad. The pressure on Switzerland to clarify its stance is growing," the experts write.

The report is to form the basis of Switzerland's security strategy for 2025. It has already sparked controversy in the country, with opposition parties accusing Amherd of appointing an expert panel of "EU and NATO enthusiasts".

Denmark: Ukraine should be allowed to use F-16 in Russia

Ukraine should be allowed to use F-16 fighter jets against targets on Russian soil as long as international law is followed. This is what Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen says, according to Bloomberg.

- Talking about red lines when it comes to arms support is a big mistake. Ukraine must win this war, and they face an extremely aggressive Russia.

Denmark is part of the European coalition that donated the F-16 to Ukraine, along with Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Stoltenberg on the offensive in Kursk: Russian soldiers are legitimate targets for Ukraine

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has spoken out for the first time about Ukraine's incursion into the Russian region of Kursk. To Welt am Sonntag he says that Ukraine "has the right to defend itself".

According to Stoltenberg, Ukrainian law also applies on Russian territory.

- The Russian soldiers, tanks and bases are legitimate targets according to international law, says Stoltenberg.

Russia has accused the West of having known about the plans for the Kursk offensive and of having assisted Ukraine, but according to Stoltenberg, Ukraine did not discuss the offensive with NATO in advance.

Thailand The land of twilight

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ดูฉากชีวิตการเมืองของ พล.อ.ประวิตร ได้จากบทความนี้

May be an image of 5 people and text 

Thai E-News 


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ดูเพิ่ม - เลือกตั้ง อบจ.ราชบุรีไม่มีดิจิตอล ไม่ต้องวอลเล็ต มีแต่ “สดๆ เป็นแบ๊งค์ร้อย ๒ ใบ ๔ ใบ” เขาแจกกันแล้ว

ดูเพิ่ม - “เลิกเอาของสูงมาปกป้องของต่ำ” วลีเด็ดผุดจากการหาเสียง อบจ.ราชบุรี ของพรรคประชาชน


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31 ส.ค. 67


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fredag 30 augusti 2024

The US election - here's everything you need to know


The US presidential election
The US election - here's everything you need to know

Angelica Öhagen,

Calle Godani

Updated 13.59 | Published 13.08

Donald Trump och Kamala Harris.
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.Photo: AP

The US election is fast approaching. Over 240 million Americans will vote on whether Donald Trump or Kamala Harris will become the next president of the United States. Here are answers to some of the most common questions ahead of the US election.

Quick version

  • Election and process: The United States presidential election is held on November 5, 2024. The election takes place every four years, always on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The presidential election is an indirect election where citizens vote for electors who represent their choice of presidential candidate.
  • Betting and opinion polls: Betting companies offer the opportunity to bet on the outcome of the election, where you can see in the odds which candidate the most bet on. American news media and specialized sites regularly publish opinion polls that give an insight into the candidates' support among voters.
  • Requirements and swing states: To become president, the candidate must be born as a US citizen, be at least 35 years old and have lived in the US for at least 14 years. Swing states, such as Florida and Pennsylvania, are states with uncertain electoral outcomes that could decide the election. För att bli president måste kandidaten vara född som amerikansk medborgare, vara minst 35 år gammal och ha bott i USA i minst 14 år. Swing states, som Florida och Pennsylvania, är delstater med osäkert valutfall som kan avgöra valet.

When is the election in the US?

The US Presidential election is on November 5, 2024.

How often are presidential elections held in the United States?

In the United States, presidential election are held every four years. Election day always falls on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

Odds for the US election, where can you see them?

Before the presidential election in the United States, several betting companies offer betting on which candidate the players think will win. The odds at the betting companies give an indication of how the participants assess Donald Trump's and Kamala Harris's chancer.

Where can you see opinion polls before the US election?

Opinion polls are an important tool for assessing candidates' support among voters. American news media regularly publish opinion polls and analyzes of voter behavior before the election. There are also several sites that compile opinion polls from various sources.

Here are the candidates in the election:

Donald Trump and JD Vance

Donald Trump och JD Vance
Photo: Julia Nikhinson / AP

The Republican candidate for the presidency is Donald Trump, who was president between 2017 and 2021 and has a background as a businessman and television personality. The candidate for the post of his vice president is JD Vance, today a senator for Ohio with a background as a venture capitalist, lawyer and author.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

The Democrats' presidential candidate is Kamala Harris, today vice president under Joe Biden. She has a background as a prosecutor.

Her vice-presidential candidate is Tim Walz, today governor of Minnesota with a background as a teacher and in the army.

Elections in the United States, how do they work?

The US presidential election is an indirect election through electors. The citizens of each state vote for electors who represent their choice of president. The number of electors per state depends on the state's population size, which means that states with larger populations have more electors. In total, the United States has 538 electoral votes, and to win the presidential election, a presidential candidate must receive at least 270 electoral votes. If no candidate receives 270 electoral votes, the election is decided by the House of Representatives, where each state has one vote. The Senate then elects the vice-president.

What are primaries and caucuses?

Primary elections and caucuses are the processes by which the parties choose their candidates for the presidential election. Primary elections are elections where party members vote for their candidate while a caucus is a meeting where party members discuss and vote openly to select candidates.

Can a candidate win the most votes but still lose the election?

Yes, it is possible in the US for a candidate to receive the most votes nationally but still lose the election. The reason is that each state votes separately and that the candidate who wins a state receives all of the state's electoral votes. If a candidate wins fewer states, and electoral votes, but does so by a large margin, the candidate may end up with the most votes overall but still lose the election.

What are swing states?

Swing states are called states in the USA where the outcome of the election is uncertain and can determine the election result. These states do not have a strong leaning towards either party and therefore both Republican and Democratic candidates can win. Examples of swing states are Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Who can become president of the United States?

In order to become president of the United States, one must fulfill the following:

Be born a US citizen

Be at least 35 years old

Have lived in the United States for at least 14 years

How does the US election affect us in Sweden?

The presidential election in the United States has great significance globally because the United States is a leading economic and military power. The policies of the US president can affect international relations, trade and security issues around the world.

What is the "lame duck" period?

The "lame duck" period is the time between the election and when the new president takes office. During this time, the outgoing president often has less political power. The president-elect is preparing to take office on January 20, which is the traditional day of the presidential inauguration.

They sell themselves – and the entire royal house

Princess Märtha Louise
They sell themselves and the royal house

Jenny Alexandersson

This is a commenting text.
Analysis and positions are the writer's.

Updated 15.36 | Published 15.10

Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

If members of the royal family commit violent crimes or sell their weddings to the highest bidder - why do we have a royal house?

Many Norwegians ask themselves that question today.

Princess Märtha Louise and shaman Durek Verrett have sold the image rights to their wedding to the streaming giant Netflix and the British magazine Hello.

The rest of the "pack" gets to stand and stomp by the red carpet and take whatever photos they can of the bride and groom and the guests.

Märtha Louise and Durek detest the Norwegian press. They feel they are being slandered and misinterpreted. They abhor pretty much all pressure - except the ones that pay well.

The money from the big media houses probably rattles nicely in the pocket when the bill for the four-day wedding has to be paid.

It's not cheap to get married.

This isn't an official royal wedding, so the couple can do as they please, one might think. In addition, the princess, in consultation with her father King Harald, renounced all royal duties in 2022.

She is thus no longer part of the Norwegian royal house, i.e. the official part of the royal sphere.

But she is still part of the royal family. And whatever the court says, the royal house will be colored by everything Märtha Louise says and does.

In 2019, the king stepped down after his daughter repeatedly used her royal title to make money. It's a trend she continued with.

It is overstepping that a royal house cannot afford.

The heads of state and their families hate being seen as celebrities. If then someone in the family behaves like an influencer and sells their title and status for money, then the regent must put a stop to it.

But the problem is that people do not distinguish between the royal house and the royal family, even though the court stubbornly tears their hair out to explain the difference.

By pointing out that Marius Borg Høiby does not belong to the royal house, you can create a distance between the head of state and the serious crime of violence. No comments will be given.

But the question is how long will the silent strategy last?

The court and the royal family are very aware of the problem they face.

They cannot control the reporting of the scandals. A legal process awaits where a member of the royal family will have to answer for having abused his then girlfriend.

Nor can they control the princess and the shaman's wedding circus.

These events also continue into the future because they are forever written in the history books.

We are at a turning point in history where royals who lack political power seek their relevance in other ways.

The younger generation, who are far from the throne, are looking to social media and private companies that can secure their income.

But at the same time they don't want to lose the status and reputation they have as royalty.

British Prince Harry is a prime example of this. He considered himself entitled to sign multi-million dollar contracts with Spotify and Netflix while continuing to shake hands with foreign dignitaries in Britain's name.

It doesn't work and Harry lost his place in the royal house.

No one should be able to doubt that a royal house is impartial. It is a guarantee that people will accept spending tax money on a family for generations.

The princess and the shaman's wedding festivities began with a welcome party with the dress code "sexy and cool".

The bride and groom wore matching pink outfits, she a halter neck dress and he a suit - which of course comes from the princess's fashion company.

Everything can be sold.

But everything also has a price.

Confidence in the Norwegian royal house has dropped drastically.

One rages at the couple's greed, the shaman's shocking statements over the years and Märtha's lack of respect for her family.

The bride and groom are extremely aware that it is the royal status that creates business opportunities and status. It is therefore no coincidence that the title of princess appears again and again in commercial contexts.

Perhaps it is time for the king and the crown prince to sit down and have a serious talk with the princess and the shaman again.

If now the couple ids listen.

Latest news

The Israel-Hamas war|The attacks

Four dead in Israeli attack on emergency aid convoy

Four Palestinian aid workers in a vehicle convoy were killed in an Israeli attack in Gaza on Thursday. This is stated by the US-based emergency aid organization Anera, which organized the convoy, to AFP.

According to Anera, the four people were experienced aid workers, but not employed by the organization. They asked to take over the convoy's lead vehicle due to concerns about the security situation and possible looting on the route the convoy was taking.

Israel's version is that several gunmen forced their way into the vehicle, and that the decision was made to launch airstrikes because the coordination plans for the convoy did not include weapons.
Major challenges when children in Gaza are to be vaccinated

Aid workers must reach over 90 percent of all children in Gaza for the vaccination against the serious viral disease polio to be sufficiently effective. That's what Jonathan Crickx, communications manager at Unicef ​​says in an interview with TT.

- The goal is to knock on every door and every tent, he tells the news agency.

More than 4,000 aid workers are to ensure that 1.6 million doses of vaccine are distributed in the war-torn area after Israel and Hamas agreed on a three-day humanitarian pause in Gaza to allow vaccinations.

1.2 million vaccine doses are already in place and another 400,000 are on the way.

- It is so important for everyone to understand that viruses like polio are not stopped by borders or walls, says Crickx.
Israel-Hamas war The negotiations
Israeli soldiers stop at the border with Egypt

Israel's security cabinet voted overnight Friday to keep Israeli soldiers on the border between Gaza and Egypt, the so-called "Philadelphia Corridor." The Israeli media writes that.

Israel's government has recently emphasized that the land corridor is an important part of being able to reach an agreement on a ceasefire with Hamas. Haaretz has spoken to sources who state that ministers during the night's meeting talked about the decision favoring talks on an agreement.

However, Israel's demands have meant a setback in the negotiations due to Hamas demanding that the country withdraw its soldiers from all of Gaza. A foreign official told Haaretz that Friday's decision "makes it more difficult to reach an agreement."


The Russian invasion

The Russian invasion|The world's response
Kremlin not worried about an arrest: "Have good dialogue"

The Kremlin is not worried about Vladimir Putin being arrested in Mongolia, a country that, through its membership of the International Criminal Court ICC, is obliged to arrest the Russian president.

Putin is due to visit Mongolia next week, his first visit to a country that has signed the Rome Statute of the ICC.

- There are no worries. We have a good dialogue with our friends from Mongolia, said spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Friday according to AFP.

In March 2023, the ICC called on member states to arrest Putin if he sets foot there. This is due to mass transfers of Ukrainian children to Russia.


Lukashenko: "Will not fight outside Belarus"

The Belarusian troops will not fight outside Belarus. This was announced by the country's president Aleksandr Lukashenko, reports The Daily Telegraph.

- No order to go [fight] outside Belarus has been given or will be given. We will only fight if someone comes to us with bad intentions, the president said.

On Sunday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine stated that Belarus is gathering soldiers and military equipment at the border with Ukraine.


Analysis: Mongolia would rather anger The Hague than Moscow

Mongolia should, in theory, handcuff Vladimir Putin as soon as he steps off the plane on Tuesday, as the country is affiliated with the International Criminal Court (ICC). That's what Ivor Bennett writes for Sky News.

"But in reality, the country will not want to anger its powerful neighbor, on which it is hugely economically dependent."

Not arresting Putin is said to lead to condemnation, but the ICC has no coercive tools to use against Mongolia – provoking Moscow would have far worse consequences than provoking The Hague, Bennett continues.

The visit comes shortly after Mongolia gave Russia a financial nosebleed by not allocating money for the planned Russian-Chinese pipeline Power of Siberia 2 in its four-year budget, writes Daniel Markind for Forbes.

The fact that the pipeline must now be laid around Mongolia means that many economically important Chinese cities are missed, he continues.

"It's bad news for Putin, as figures from earlier this year show that sales of gas to China have not compensated for the loss of the European market."


The Russian Invasion|The Battles
Zelensky fires the head of the air force after the crash

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi fires Air Force Chief Mykola Oleshtyuk after an F-16 plane crashed on Monday, AP reports.

- We need to protect people. Protect personnel. Take care of all our soldiers, says Zelensky immediately after the order was published. He promises to strengthen the army at the command level.

The pilot died in the crash, which occurred during a Russian attack. However, it is still unclear whether the crash was due to pilot error or something else, according to CNN.

It was the first reported loss of an F-16 plane since the donated fighters began being delivered from the West.

Thailand The land of twilight

Thai E-News


ดูเพิ่ม - คุณจะมูฟออนได้ไง เมื่อ หนึ่งในเหตุการณ์ทางการเมืองที่สร้างบาดแผลร้าวลึก คือความตายของผู้ชุมนุมช่วงพฤษภาคม 2553 กระทั่งถึงวันนี้ กระบวนการยุติธรรมเพื่อนำคนผิดมาลงโทษก็ยังไม่เห็นปลายทางว่าคืบหน้าหรือจะจบลงอย่างไร

ดูเพิ่ม - เพราะเพื่อไทยข้ามขั้วสองชั้น เชิญ ปชป.ร่วมรัฐบาล แผลที่ยังไม่ตกสะเก็ดของการสลายเสื้อแดงปี ๕๓ จึงถูกเปิดออกมาใหม่

ดูเพิ่ม - เฌอ แชร์ ชุดราชินีนุ้ย ออกงานที่สเปน และ เปิด ธุรกิจของคุณ Kevin Whitcraft ผู้เชิญเธอ ไปเป็น Strategist แข่งเรือ


ประชาไท Prachatai

6 ชม. 
ข่าวการเมืองที่ร้อนแรงระหว่างความไม่ลงรอยกันของพรรคการเมืองฝั่งรัฐบาลที่มีมาอย่างต่อเนื่อง สำหรับสัปดาห์นี้จุดแตกหักระหว่างพรรคเพื่อไทยกับพลังประชารัฐก็มาถึง แต่ก็ได้ประชาธิปัตย์มาร่วมรัฐบาลจนทั้ง 2 พรรคถูกวิจารณ์จากกองเชียร์ตัวเอง อย่างไรก็ตาม “เรืองไกร” นักร้องชื่อดังก็เริ่มไปร้องเรียนบรรดาองค์กรอิสระให้มาตรวจสอบ “อุ๊งอิ๊ง” พร้อมบอกว่าหลังจากนี้จะไล่ตรวจสอบ รมต.ทุกคน ไปจนถึงมีคนที่ถูกระบุว่าเป็น “มือมืด” ไปร้องยุบพรรคเพื่อไทยอีกด้วย
ใครตามไม่ทันมารวมกันตรงนี้ https://prachatai.com/journal/2024/08/110518


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