torsdag 29 augusti 2024

Latest news

Swedish man seriously injured - was attacked in London

A Swedish man in his 40s who was attacked at the Notting Hill carnival in London is being treated for life-threatening injuries, according to the Metropolitan Police, according to TT.

A 31-year-old man has been arrested in the case, suspected of attempted murder.

The Swede lives in Dubai and was visiting the British capital. He was found unconscious with a head injury after leaving a restaurant on Monday.


The demonstrations in Hong Kong
Two journalists are sentenced for sedition in Hong Kong

Two former managers of the pro-democracy newspaper Stand News are sentenced for sedition in Hong Kong, international news agencies report. The newspaper, which was critical of the Chinese government during the major pro-democracy protests of 2019, was shut down after a new security law was passed in 2020.

The two editors-in-chief Chung Pui-kuen and Patrick Lam were arrested in 2021 and have previously denied charges of conspiring against the government. They risk imprisonment for up to two years.

It is the first time since 1997, when the former British colony came under Chinese rule, that a sedition trial has been carried out against the media.


The coronavirusCovid research
Study: Covid linked to hearing loss in young people

Young adults who have had covid have over three times higher risk of hearing loss. This is according to a new study according to the Washington Post.

South Korean otolaryngologist Michelle Suh initiated the study after noticing an increase in the number of young adults with hearing problems. Over 6.7 million people aged 20 to 39 were surveyed.

The results do not suggest that there are any protective factors. The incidence was as high in fully vaccinated as in unvaccinated.

One of the study's authors, Hye Jun Kim, emphasizes that there are certain uncertainty factors - for example, that people who test themselves for covid may also be more likely to seek a hearing examination.


Spanish actor's son convicted of murder in Thailand

Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, son of the Spanish actor Rodolfo Sancho, has been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a Colombian plastic surgeon on a holiday island in Thailand, the AFP news agency reports.

The case attracted a lot of attention internationally and not least in Spain because of Rodolfo Sancho's reputation.

Daniel Sancho Bronchalo was convicted of murder and dismembering the victim's body and then disposing of the parts on land and at sea.

Bronchalo claimed he killed the victim in self-defense and admitted to hiding the body.


Typhoon Gaemi
Experts: Climate change made typhoon Gaemi stronger

Typhoon Gaemi became more powerful due to climate change, according to a group of experts, The Guardian reports.

According to the analyzes of the organization World Weather Attribution, for example, Gaemi's wind speed became faster due to global warming caused by humans.

"The hard truth is that we will see more devastating storms like Typhoon Gaemi as the climate warms [and] Asia will become an increasingly dangerous place to live until fossil fuels are replaced by renewable energy," said Ben Clark, researcher at Imperial College London and one of the study's authors, to The Guardian.

The typhoon hit the Philippines, Taiwan and Hunan Province in China in late July. It has led to several landslides, floods and has killed at least 100 people, according to The Guardian.


Gripne Telegram CEO
The lawyer: The charges against Durov "absurd"

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has committed no crime, his lawyer said shortly after a French court decided to lay formal criminal charges on Wednesday night.

- It is completely absurd to think that the head of a social network would be involved in criminal activity, says the lawyer, who also states that Telegram "follows all European rules that apply to digital technology".

Pavel Durov was arrested on Saturday at an airport in France. The accusations are based on the fact that the app Telegram is allegedly used for, among other things, drug trafficking and child pornography crimes.

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