torsdag 29 augusti 2024


The North Korea-Russia relationship
Report: North Korea has sent Russia 13,000 containers of weapons

North Korea is suspected of sending over 13,000 containers of weapons to Russia since mid-2022, according to a South Korean military intelligence report, according to South Korean news agency Yonhap.

South Korea's military has been tracking suspected North Korean arms shipments to Russia since the outbreak of war. According to the report, as many as six million artillery shells may have been shipped through the North Korean port of Najin.

That would mean a doubling since February of this year, when South Korea's Defense Minister Shin Won-Sik stated that 6,700 containers had been sent.

"In preparation for a protracted war in Ukraine, Russia has formally designated North Korea as a supplier of weapons and ammunition," South Korea's military writes in the report.
The US-China relationship
The US and China met for a rare summit

Jake Sullivan, the US national security adviser, has recently visited China in an attempt to repair relations between the countries.

On Thursday, the three-day trip ended with a "rare" meeting with the Chinese general Zhang Youxia, which, among other things, dealt with Taiwan, writes the AP news agency.

"Your request to meet with me shows the value you place on military security and the relationship between our militaries," General Zhang told Sullivan during the meeting.

Yesterday, the White House stated that representatives of both countries are working to arrange a telephone conversation between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden in the coming weeks.
Political situation in Poland
Polish PIS is forced to pay back its party support

The Polish opposition party Law and Justice (PIS) is forced to pay back the equivalent of almost ten million kroner in party support, AP reports.

This after the country's election commission concluded that the party violated laws on campaign financing in the 2023 parliamentary election.

The Electoral Commission is also reducing the annual party support to PIS by the equivalent of more than SEK 25 million in the coming years.

Conservative PIS, Poland's largest party, ruled the country between 2015 and 2023. In the election, they lost to Donald Tusk's pro-EU alliance.

"PIS learns the true meaning of law and justice," writes Tusk on X.


The coronavirusCovid research
Study: Covid linked to hearing loss in young people

Young adults who have had covid have over three times higher risk of hearing loss. This is according to a new study according to the Washington Post.

South Korean otolaryngologist Michelle Suh initiated the study after noticing an increase in the number of young adults with hearing problems. Over 6.7 million people aged 20 to 39 were surveyed.

The results do not suggest that there are any protective factors. The incidence was as high in fully vaccinated as in unvaccinated.

One of the study's authors, Hye Jun Kim, emphasizes that there are certain uncertainty factors - for example, that people who test themselves for covid may also be more likely to seek a hearing examination.

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