fredag 30 augusti 2024

The Israel-Hamas war|The attacks

Four dead in Israeli attack on emergency aid convoy

Four Palestinian aid workers in a vehicle convoy were killed in an Israeli attack in Gaza on Thursday. This is stated by the US-based emergency aid organization Anera, which organized the convoy, to AFP.

According to Anera, the four people were experienced aid workers, but not employed by the organization. They asked to take over the convoy's lead vehicle due to concerns about the security situation and possible looting on the route the convoy was taking.

Israel's version is that several gunmen forced their way into the vehicle, and that the decision was made to launch airstrikes because the coordination plans for the convoy did not include weapons.
Major challenges when children in Gaza are to be vaccinated

Aid workers must reach over 90 percent of all children in Gaza for the vaccination against the serious viral disease polio to be sufficiently effective. That's what Jonathan Crickx, communications manager at Unicef ​​says in an interview with TT.

- The goal is to knock on every door and every tent, he tells the news agency.

More than 4,000 aid workers are to ensure that 1.6 million doses of vaccine are distributed in the war-torn area after Israel and Hamas agreed on a three-day humanitarian pause in Gaza to allow vaccinations.

1.2 million vaccine doses are already in place and another 400,000 are on the way.

- It is so important for everyone to understand that viruses like polio are not stopped by borders or walls, says Crickx.
Israel-Hamas war The negotiations
Israeli soldiers stop at the border with Egypt

Israel's security cabinet voted overnight Friday to keep Israeli soldiers on the border between Gaza and Egypt, the so-called "Philadelphia Corridor." The Israeli media writes that.

Israel's government has recently emphasized that the land corridor is an important part of being able to reach an agreement on a ceasefire with Hamas. Haaretz has spoken to sources who state that ministers during the night's meeting talked about the decision favoring talks on an agreement.

However, Israel's demands have meant a setback in the negotiations due to Hamas demanding that the country withdraw its soldiers from all of Gaza. A foreign official told Haaretz that Friday's decision "makes it more difficult to reach an agreement."


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