lördag 31 augusti 2024

The Russian invasion|The response of the outside world

Switzerland is considering breaking its 500-year neutrality

Switzerland should abandon the 500-year-old policy of neutrality and develop a "common defense policy" with the EU and NATO. That is the conclusion of an expert report that was submitted to President Viola Amherd on Thursday, writes Politico.

The report was written by a range of security experts – among them diplomats, high-ranking government officials and a former army chief. In it, a "revision" of Swiss neutrality is called for.

"Since Russia's attack on Ukraine, neutrality has once again become a topic of debate both at home and abroad. The pressure on Switzerland to clarify its stance is growing," the experts write.

The report is to form the basis of Switzerland's security strategy for 2025. It has already sparked controversy in the country, with opposition parties accusing Amherd of appointing an expert panel of "EU and NATO enthusiasts".

Denmark: Ukraine should be allowed to use F-16 in Russia

Ukraine should be allowed to use F-16 fighter jets against targets on Russian soil as long as international law is followed. This is what Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen says, according to Bloomberg.

- Talking about red lines when it comes to arms support is a big mistake. Ukraine must win this war, and they face an extremely aggressive Russia.

Denmark is part of the European coalition that donated the F-16 to Ukraine, along with Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Stoltenberg on the offensive in Kursk: Russian soldiers are legitimate targets for Ukraine

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has spoken out for the first time about Ukraine's incursion into the Russian region of Kursk. To Welt am Sonntag he says that Ukraine "has the right to defend itself".

According to Stoltenberg, Ukrainian law also applies on Russian territory.

- The Russian soldiers, tanks and bases are legitimate targets according to international law, says Stoltenberg.

Russia has accused the West of having known about the plans for the Kursk offensive and of having assisted Ukraine, but according to Stoltenberg, Ukraine did not discuss the offensive with NATO in advance.

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