tisdag 27 augusti 2024

The war in Sudan

The UN is considering sanctions against generals in Sudan

One of the UN Security Council's committees is considering imposing sanctions on two generals within the paramilitary group RSF in Sudan, Reuters reports. The generals are accused of having posed a threat to the country's peace, security and stability as well as violations of human rights, according to the news agency.

If the sanctions become a reality, it would be the first time that the UN imposes sanctions as a result of the war in Sudan. It is the United States that has put forward a proposal for a travel ban and frozen assets against the two men.

The committee has until Friday to make objections before the sanctions are approved.
The war broke out in the spring of 2023 between government forces and the paramilitary group RSF


Many dead after dam bursts in eastern Sudan

About 50,000 homes have been destroyed and a large number of people have died in war-torn Sudan after a dam burst, several media reports. Heavy downpours in the region caused the Arbaat dam to collapse and flood several communities on Monday.

The death toll varies in different media. The BBC reported yesterday that at least 60 people died in connection with the accident. International news agencies write that at least 30 people have died and that the number is expected to rise in the coming days.

The country has recently been hit by severe storms that have led to floods and an increased spread of diseases. Around 120,000 people have been forced to leave their homes.

Since last spring, a civil war has also been going on between government forces and the paramilitary RSF.

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