söndag 25 augusti 2024

Ice cave collapsed - stuck under the ice


Ice cave has collapsed - tourists injured

Nora Fernstedt,

Give Zangana

Updated 21.28 | Published 18.45

Isgrottan ligger i glaciären Breidamerkurjökull.
The ice cave is located in the Breidamerkurjökull glacier. Photo: Wikipedia

An ice cave has collapsed in southeast Iceland.

Two tourists are stuck, according to Ruv.

Another two have been retrieved and are seriously injured.

According to Morgonbladit, a tourist group of 25 people was on an excursion in the Breidamerkurjökull glacier when the ice cave collapsed.

The cave wall must have collapsed and four people were trapped, according to the police.

According to Ruv, two people have been rescued and are seriously injured. One of them has been taken by ambulance helicopter to Reykjavik.

Heard a crash

Ruv has been talking to a male tourist who had just left the cave when it collapsed.

The man says the cave is about 3-5 meters deep. As his group was heading back, they heard a crash, but thought nothing more of it until they got back to the hotel and saw the news.

200 people in rescue operations

Over 200 people are now working in a major rescue effort to get the other two people out.

- The accident is very serious, says Hjördís Guðmundsdóttir, director of communications at the civil defence, to Morgonbladit.

She also says that there are "extremely difficult conditions" at the site.

The ice cave is located in the Breidamerkurjökull glacier in southeast Iceland.

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