lördag 24 augusti 2024


Stranded astronaut duo
Space X to save Boeing's astronauts: "Embarrassing"

Problems with Boeing's Starliner spacecraft have left two astronauts stuck on the International Space Station since the launch in June. But with the help of competitor Space X, the two colleagues can finally get home, writes AFP.

The timing of the news is certainly not timely for struggling Boeing. The company's previously spotless reputation has been seriously damaged by a series of technical failures and two fatal crashes in recent years, the news agency added.

That Space X comes to the rescue is "very embarrassing" for Boeing, says Erik Seedhouse, professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
The Fed vs Inflation
Powell signals reduction: "The time has come"

New York stock markets rose after the opening words of Jerome Powell l in Jackson Hole.

- My confidence that inflation is on track towards 2 percent has increased - the time has come to adjust policy, Powell says at the beginning of the speech.

He added that the way forward is clear, but that the timing and pace will depend on incoming data.

US long-term interest rates retreated.

- This is the clearest signal so far from Jay Powell, the market should like this, says Joseph Richter at Bloomberg Intelligence.

Minutes from the June meeting showed that several members were set on a cut in September, and since then incoming data has pointed to a weaker labor market.

The US imposes more sanctions - 400 new names on the list

The United States has imposed sanctions on nearly 400 individuals and 60 companies it believes are supporting Russia's war in Ukraine. This is announced by the US State Department on Friday.

With that, the US Treasury Department continues "the strategy put forward by the Biden administration and the G7 countries," Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo writes in a statement.

The decision comes the day before Ukraine's Independence Day.

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