lördag 31 augusti 2024

Political situation in Myanmar

Poor people in Myanmar are selling their kidneys on Facebook

The rampant poverty in Myanmar has caused poor people to start selling their kidneys on Facebook, reports CNN.

- There is no other way for me to survive without robbing or killing people, says a man who sold his kidney to a rich businessman for the equivalent of 32,000 kroner - two years' wages in Myanmar.

Intermediaries are often used, and the operations are carried out in India. Both there and in Myanmar, organ trafficking is illegal.

CNN has found three Facebook groups where organs are being sold. After contacting parent company Meta, one group was removed, but CNN did not receive any other comment.
New UN millions to curb Myanmar's humanitarian crisis

Myanmar, where poverty has reached such levels that residents are selling their kidneys on Facebook, will receive the equivalent of around SEK 125 million from the UN in crisis aid. Reuters reports.

It is part of a new aid package targeting ten ongoing humanitarian crises. Myanmar's contribution will be the third largest - most money is given to Yemen and Ethiopia, which have suffered from famine, internal displacement, disease and climate disasters, according to the UN spokesperson.


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