måndag 26 augusti 2024

The festival event in Solingen

Promises tougher gun laws and tougher migration policy

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promises to tighten the country's gun laws - and "quickly", he says at a press conference on site in Solingen after the weekend's knife attack.

Scholz will also "do everything" to ensure that those who do not have the right to stay in the country are deported, he says and promises a stricter migration policy.

- It was terrorism, terrorism against all of us, he says after laying flowers at the place where the attack took place.

The suspected perpetrator, a 26-year-old from Syria, would have previously been deported to Bulgaria, but stayed away. Three people were killed and several injured in the knife attack at a festival this weekend.
The CDU leader: That's enough now - a total refugee freeze is required

The opposition in Germany is demanding stricter migration policies after the weekend knife attack in Solingen, where three people were killed.

- That's enough now, says Christian Democratic CDU leader Friedrich Merz on the TV channel ARD.

The suspect, a 26-year-old from Syria, would have previously been deported to Bulgaria, but stayed away. The CDU leader accuses the government of pursuing a "naive immigration policy". He is now demanding more deportations to Syria and Afghanistan as well as a total stop to accepting refugees from these countries.

The proposal is rejected by the social democratic SPD's general secretary Kevin Kühnert. He says that the proposal is not in accordance with the constitution, which establishes the right to asylum, and that the response to the attack cannot be to "slam the door in the face" of people who themselves are fleeing Islamists.

In addition to demands for tougher deportation rules, the attack also creates a discussion about stricter gun laws, writes Der Spiegel.
IS releases film that is said to show the 26-year-old before the attack

The terrorist group IS has published a film that allegedly shows the perpetrator in Solingen in Germany swearing allegiance to the group before the attack, reports Bild.

The film is about a minute long and shows how a masked man says that the festival act should be carried out as revenge for the killing of Muslims in Syria, Iraq and Bosnia.

In part of the clip, the man, who is holding a long knife, also refers to the suffering of the Palestinian population in Gaza. It is not clear that the man in the clip is actually the 26-year-old who confessed to the crime. Terror expert Peter Neumann does not dare to state with certainty that the terrorist group is behind it, but tells ARD:

- This indicates that there is a connection to IS.

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