måndag 26 augusti 2024

Audible alarm over Ukraine - massive robot attack


Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Robot attacks on several Ukrainian cities - Reuters journalist killed

Linnea Blomberg

Updated 12.47 | Published 08.05

Reuters journalist Ryan Evans was killed when a Russian robot crashed into a hotel in Kramatorsk on Saturday.

During Monday, Russia continues its airstrikes against several Ukrainian cities.

On Monday morning, Russia carried out several robot attacks against Ukrainian cities, the Kyiv Independent reports, among others.

Aircraft alarms sounded across the country just before six o'clock on Monday morning. Among others, Kiev, Odessa and Kharkiv are among those affected.,
Kyiv's mayor Vitali Klitschko writes on Telegram during the morning that there is a power outage in the capital.

The Ukrainian Air Force initially reported that 11 Russian bombers and kamikaze drones were moving in over the country. A little later it was announced that six more Russian bombers were in the air.
Ryssland skjuter iväg en missil.
Russia launches a missile. Photo: AP

British journalist killed

During Saturday, a hotel in Kramatorsk was bombed. The attack killed journalist Ryan Evans, 38, from the Reuters news agency. He was a former British soldier and worked as a security adviser for Reuters in Ukraina.

Evans was at the Hotel Sapphire with five other Reuters staff when the Russian robot struck.

Kramatorsk is the last major city in the Donbass region still controlled by Ukraine and is located about 20 kilometers from the front line of the war.
Hotellet som bombades i Kramatorsk.
The hotel that was bombed in Kramatorsk. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP

"Like a nightmare"

Reuters reports that Ukraine has been expecting a large-scale Russian attack for some time. Last week, a warning was issued by the US Embassy that an attack could take place around Ukraine's Independence Day, which was last Saturday.

Ukrainian MP Kira Rudika describes the current situation as "a nightmare". On  X, she writes: "What is happening in Kiev right now is horrific. Pray for us.”
Journalisten Ryan Evans dog i raketattacken mot hotellet i Kramatorsk.
Journalist Ryan Evans died in the rocket attack on the hotel in Kramatorsk. Photo: Ryan Evans/AP

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