onsdag 28 augusti 2024

The climate threat|Global challenges

Environment group: Britain should be more like Paris

The environmental organization PAN Europe calls on the British government to ban pesticides in urban areas, The Guardian reports. Amy Heley, who represents the group, points to Paris and the French ban on pesticides that applies in all cities.

- Paris and hundreds of other cities around the world prove every day that it is entirely possible to become pesticide-free, she says.

PAN Europe wants sidewalks, parks and playgrounds to be free of chemicals, among other things to protect animals and people.

The organization has collected just over 15,000 signatures that want to see a ban.
Environmental organizations take the EU to court: "Worrying"

The environmental organizations CAN Europe and the Global Legal Action Network, GLAN, say in a joint statement that they are taking the EU to court because the Union's climate goals are "inadequate", writes AFP.

Earlier this year, the organizations submitted a notification to an EU court and have now developed their criticism and arguments. CAN and GLAN believe that the EU's climate ambition is "alarmingly" far from meeting the Paris Agreement's goal of a maximum 1.5 degree increase in the global average temperature.

A court hearing is expected next year and a possible verdict could come in 2026, according to the organizations.

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