tisdag 27 augusti 2024


The future of defence
Saab: "Incredibly positive" that Thailand chose the Gripen

Saab now confirms that Thailand wants to buy the company's Gripen plane.

- We can confirm that the Thai Air Force has come out and said they have chosen the Gripen. It is of course extremely positive for Saab and Sweden, says Mattias Rådström, press manager at Saab, to TT.

There is no contract yet, says Rådström. The Thai Air Force has also not released information on how many planes it is buying. According to TT, the country has previously bought twelve Gripen planes but is now looking to replace twelve other planes.
The Thai Air Force buys Gripen planes from Saab

The Thai air force has decided to buy Gripen planes from Saab, reports Sveriges Radio. The aircraft will replace American F-16 planes that have been in operation since 1988, writes TT.

It is still unclear how many planes are purchased.

- A little while ago, the Thai air force said that it is the Swedish Gripen that best suits their needs, says the radio's foreign correspondent Axel Kronholm.

Partly it is about the JAS 39 Gripen fitting the Thai Air Force's doctrines, and partly about the aircraft model fitting several domains such as the army and the navy, says Kronholm with reference to a statement.

Saab is traded up around 1 percent on the stock exchange.
The cask belongs to the bankruptcy estate – the drink must be dropped

The whiskey and gin in the casks reserved by private customers at bankrupt Mackmyra belong to the person who reserved the drink - but the casks belong to the bankruptcy estate. This is evident from an update on the whiskey company's website. 
The drink must therefore be drained from the keg before it is taken home.

In the update, it is stated that the issue "is far from simple" but that the bankruptcy administration has made the assessment that the customers have a so-called separation right.

However, business customers are not covered by the separation right and will therefore become creditors in the bankruptcy.

According to GP, a cask costs around SEK 30,000 and yields around 48 bottles of whiskey when it is then bottled. 

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