onsdag 28 augusti 2024

The food shortage in the world

Residents of Namibia are forced to eat elephant and hippopotamus

Namibia is to shoot 700 wild animals, including elephants, hippos and zebras, and distribute the meat to residents affected by food shortages due to the severe drought. CNN reports.

The animals must be shot by professional hunters in areas with sustainable stocks. Two other aims of the move are to reduce populations in areas with limited grazing and water, and to reduce the risk of elephants moving closer to humans in search of food and water.

125 animals have already been shot, resulting in almost 57 tons of meat.
Food reserves reduced by 84 percent in one month

Southern Africa is hit by the worst drought in decades. The ensuing food shortage has meant that 84 percent of Namibia's food reserves were consumed last month, according to the United Nations, according to Sky News.

The weather phenomenon El Niño has led to greatly reduced amounts of rain in the region, and the drought is worsened by human climate influence, writes CNN. Tens of millions of people suffer from food shortages.

Almost half of Namibia's population of three million is expected to have food supply problems in the coming months.

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