fredag 30 augusti 2024

The US election - here's everything you need to know


The US presidential election
The US election - here's everything you need to know

Angelica Öhagen,

Calle Godani

Updated 13.59 | Published 13.08

Donald Trump och Kamala Harris.
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.Photo: AP

The US election is fast approaching. Over 240 million Americans will vote on whether Donald Trump or Kamala Harris will become the next president of the United States. Here are answers to some of the most common questions ahead of the US election.

Quick version

  • Election and process: The United States presidential election is held on November 5, 2024. The election takes place every four years, always on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The presidential election is an indirect election where citizens vote for electors who represent their choice of presidential candidate.
  • Betting and opinion polls: Betting companies offer the opportunity to bet on the outcome of the election, where you can see in the odds which candidate the most bet on. American news media and specialized sites regularly publish opinion polls that give an insight into the candidates' support among voters.
  • Requirements and swing states: To become president, the candidate must be born as a US citizen, be at least 35 years old and have lived in the US for at least 14 years. Swing states, such as Florida and Pennsylvania, are states with uncertain electoral outcomes that could decide the election. För att bli president måste kandidaten vara född som amerikansk medborgare, vara minst 35 år gammal och ha bott i USA i minst 14 år. Swing states, som Florida och Pennsylvania, är delstater med osäkert valutfall som kan avgöra valet.

When is the election in the US?

The US Presidential election is on November 5, 2024.

How often are presidential elections held in the United States?

In the United States, presidential election are held every four years. Election day always falls on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

Odds for the US election, where can you see them?

Before the presidential election in the United States, several betting companies offer betting on which candidate the players think will win. The odds at the betting companies give an indication of how the participants assess Donald Trump's and Kamala Harris's chancer.

Where can you see opinion polls before the US election?

Opinion polls are an important tool for assessing candidates' support among voters. American news media regularly publish opinion polls and analyzes of voter behavior before the election. There are also several sites that compile opinion polls from various sources.

Here are the candidates in the election:

Donald Trump and JD Vance

Donald Trump och JD Vance
Photo: Julia Nikhinson / AP

The Republican candidate for the presidency is Donald Trump, who was president between 2017 and 2021 and has a background as a businessman and television personality. The candidate for the post of his vice president is JD Vance, today a senator for Ohio with a background as a venture capitalist, lawyer and author.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

The Democrats' presidential candidate is Kamala Harris, today vice president under Joe Biden. She has a background as a prosecutor.

Her vice-presidential candidate is Tim Walz, today governor of Minnesota with a background as a teacher and in the army.

Elections in the United States, how do they work?

The US presidential election is an indirect election through electors. The citizens of each state vote for electors who represent their choice of president. The number of electors per state depends on the state's population size, which means that states with larger populations have more electors. In total, the United States has 538 electoral votes, and to win the presidential election, a presidential candidate must receive at least 270 electoral votes. If no candidate receives 270 electoral votes, the election is decided by the House of Representatives, where each state has one vote. The Senate then elects the vice-president.

What are primaries and caucuses?

Primary elections and caucuses are the processes by which the parties choose their candidates for the presidential election. Primary elections are elections where party members vote for their candidate while a caucus is a meeting where party members discuss and vote openly to select candidates.

Can a candidate win the most votes but still lose the election?

Yes, it is possible in the US for a candidate to receive the most votes nationally but still lose the election. The reason is that each state votes separately and that the candidate who wins a state receives all of the state's electoral votes. If a candidate wins fewer states, and electoral votes, but does so by a large margin, the candidate may end up with the most votes overall but still lose the election.

What are swing states?

Swing states are called states in the USA where the outcome of the election is uncertain and can determine the election result. These states do not have a strong leaning towards either party and therefore both Republican and Democratic candidates can win. Examples of swing states are Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Who can become president of the United States?

In order to become president of the United States, one must fulfill the following:

Be born a US citizen

Be at least 35 years old

Have lived in the United States for at least 14 years

How does the US election affect us in Sweden?

The presidential election in the United States has great significance globally because the United States is a leading economic and military power. The policies of the US president can affect international relations, trade and security issues around the world.

What is the "lame duck" period?

The "lame duck" period is the time between the election and when the new president takes office. During this time, the outgoing president often has less political power. The president-elect is preparing to take office on January 20, which is the traditional day of the presidential inauguration.

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