onsdag 11 september 2024

Details: The police protected Marius


Marius Borg Høiby
Details: The police protected Marius from suspected drug offences
Visited him in the crown prince couple's home Skaugum

Jenny Alexandersson

Published 18.54

When Marius Borg Høiby's friends were suspected of drug crimes, the police went to the crown prince's family home to warn him.

Now the police are accused of giving Marius special treatment because he is part of the royal family.

- We would not have had such a conversation with just anyone, we only do that because it is you, said the police according to  Se og Hørs source.

Quick version

Crown Princess Mette-Marit's son, Marius Borg Høiby, associates with criminal persons.

According to the Norwegian Dagbladet, in addition to rich heirs, influencers and reality show celebrities, Marius' group of friends also includes people who have been convicted of serious crimes and drug offenses. Some have connections to gang environments and the Hells Angels.

- It puts the royal family in a difficult situation, it is a security risk that criminals spend time with someone in the family, says court expert Sara Ericsson in the podcast "Kungligt".

When some of the friends were suspected of being involved in a larger drug ring, two police officers from the organized crime department were assigned to talk to Marius, according to Se og Hør.

Marius Borg Høiby skyddades av polisen när hans vänner misstänktes för narkotikabrott.
Marius Borg Høiby was protected by the police when his friends were suspected of drug crimes. Photo: TT

"Above my fucking paygrade"

In the crown prince family's home at Skaugum, he was warned about the activities of his friends. The police said that they knew that Marius hung out with heavy criminals and that he has a cocaine addiction.

The police officers admitted that the meeting with Marius was due to special treatment because he belongs to the royal family and that the situation could be complicated because Marius is the son of Norway's future queen.

They stressed that they were not out to arrest or fine Marius – just to warn him to stop this activity.

Se og Hør has published an audio clip between the police and Marius. When Marius asked the police who asked them to talk to him and "at what level", he first got the answer that it is "Above my fucking paygrade". Then he got the answer that it was someone at a high level.

"The police destroyed their own investigation"

Now the police's actions are being criticized.

- The police acted in a very unprofessional manner. Now and then the police destroyed their own investigation by telling this about the friends to Marius, says Sara Ericsson.

The Oslo Police District has confirmed that officials at the Center Unit have conducted a preventive conversation with Marius Borg Høiby.

- The police regularly conduct preventive talks with individuals who may be staying or be in a criminal environment. The talks are an early preventive measure, writes unit manager Frode Larsen at Enhet Centrum to Se og Hør.

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