tisdag 10 september 2024

The money laundering mess at Swedbank

Analysis: Historic judgment scares the tops of the stock market

In today's ruling, the Court of Appeal found that Birgitte Bonnesen had given misleading statements to TT and SvD in connection with Swedbank's report for the third quarter of 2018. The fact that two interviews were decisive means that the stock exchange's CEOs will begin to "weigh their words on a golden scale", DI writes: s Johan Wendel in an analysis.

"When things get hot and the next crisis is at the door, they will remember the verdict against Birgitte Bonnesen. And be very careful not to slip on the truth," he writes.

Aftonbladet's Oisín Cantwell agrees and writes that the verdict will lead to "tremors in business".

"Like a fourteen-year-old who has been exposed for second-hand smoke, trying to mix and match is simply not a good idea," he writes.

Although the verdict is to be appealed according to Bonnesen's lawyer, it is clear that criminal history has already been written, Cantwell believes.

Leading people in business will need to be much more clear. Both what you choose to say but also what you exclude, writes DN's Dan Lucas in a comment.

"Bonnesen has, according to the court, obscured the bank's difficulties with suspected money laundering in the Baltics in interviews."
"A CEO cannot be however slippery and misleading"

The verdict against former Swedbank CEO Birgitte Bonnesen is welcomed by Aktiespararna's CEO Joacim Olsson. He believes that she misled both investors and the public, writes TT.

- I think it is important that as CEO you cannot be as slippery and misleading as possible in your statements, he tells TT.

However, the outcome came as a surprise. Olsson believes that most people thought Bonnesen would be acquitted, partly because there were difficulties in proving the fraud.
Bonnesen is sentenced to prison for serious fraud

Swedbank's former CEO Birgitte Bonnesen is convicted in the Court of Appeal. Despite her denial, she is sentenced to one year and three months in prison for serious fraud.

The Court of Appeal has assessed a number of statements that have been made to the media and stock analysts in 2018–2019. Bonnesen's message then was that there were no suspicious connections to Danske Bank's money laundering mess in Estonia.

- Two of the statements have been incorrect or involved such a skewed selection of facts that they have been misleading in the sense of the law, says the chairman of the court Sven Johannisson.

Bonnesen was acquitted by the Stockholm district court in January 2023.

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