fredag 13 september 2024

Latest news

China's global ambitions
South Korea's military takes down Chinese cameras on bases

South Korea's military recently dismantled 1,300 surveillance cameras after a routine check revealed they were made in China, a military source told AFP.

The cameras have, among other things, been found on military bases, including near the heavily guarded border with North Korea.

The Chinese connections are seen as a security threat, but according to South Korea, no data has actually been leaked, reports Yonhap.

The North Korea crisis
North Korea releases photos of uranium facility

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un has visited a facility that enriches uranium for nuclear weapons, several media reports. In connection with the visit, state media published images showing the facilities for the first time.

It is not clear when or where the dictator's visit was made. According to the state-controlled news agency KCNA, Kim Jong-Un is said to have expressed "great satisfaction regarding the amazing technical ability".

Reuters writes that North Korea is believed to have several uranium enrichment facilities. The country's nuclear power program is prohibited by the UN Security Council.

Climate threatGlobal challenges
Mysterious humming from Greenland was giant tsunami

A mysterious rumble for nine days last fall has eluded researchers. The seismological signal was picked up by instruments all over the world.

A new study published in the scientific journal Science establishes the reason. There was a giant landslide in Greenland that gave rise to a 200 meter high tsunami. The wave was "caught" in a narrow fjord and moved back and forth for just over a week, generating vibrations.

- No one has ever seen anything like it, says Kristian Svennevig, lead author of the study, according to NBC News.

This type of landslide is occurring more and more frequently as a result of climate change, as Greenland's icebergs melt, scientists say according to the BBC.

25 million cubic meters of rock and ice collapsed into the fjord. It can be compared with 40 pieces of the Globe, according to Vetenskapsradion.

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