onsdag 11 september 2024

The US election|Votes on the debate

Arkivbld på Putin, bild från debatten 

Kremlin: You should not take Putin's name in your mouth

Vladimir Putin's personal spokesman Dmitry Peskov urges Donald Trump and Kamala Harris to stop talking about the Russian president and thus "draw him into" the American election debate. Reuters reports.

- We have noticed that both candidates mentioned our president [...] It is clear that in the USA there is a negative and unfriendly attitude towards our country. Putin's name is used as an instrument in their internal battle. We really don't like that, and we hope they leave our president's name alone, he said.

Last week, Putin said in a speech that he preferred Harris to Trump as the new president. The play was interpreted by many as ironic or as outright trolling. At the time, Peskov said that everyone "must decide for himself" whether Putin was serious or joking.


Republicans on Trump's effort: "Just sad"

Republicans in Congress are divided over Donald Trump's performance in tonight's debate against Kamala Harris. Some believed that he lost his way, while others believe - like the presidential candidate himself - that his conditions were "unfair", writes The Hill.

The newspaper has spoken to several anonymous members of Congress who believe that Harris succeeded in provoking Trump.

- I'm just sorry. She knew exactly which buttons to push. It is overall disappointing that he is not more collected as during the first debate.

Another Republican says many are disappointed that he couldn't stay focused or "get a hit."

Others believe that Trump was faced with a situation where it was "three against one". Trump did very well, writes Nicole Mallitokais at X.

"He's debating against three people... Kamala and the two biased ABC moderators... and yet he wins!"


Chronicles: Harris one of the few who can put Trump on the spot

A bad debate can be enough to lose a presidential election - but a good debate is rarely enough to win one, writes Therese Larsson Hultin in SvD. That said, tonight's debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump was "90 incredibly important" minutes. The margins between the candidates are extremely small, and in the swing states a few tens of thousands of votes can decide the decision. And no new debate will take place, according to Larsson Hultin.

"The ex-president is probably far too angry for that."

In the night's debate, Kamala Harris showed that she is one of the few who can put Donald Trump in his place, writes DN's Karin Eriksson. The vice president's effort was "light years" from Joe Biden's in June and succeeded in putting Trump on the defensive. At the same time, Harris might have benefited from putting more focus on his own politics, Eriksson observes.

"If she loses the election in November, she may have to put some of the blame on those in her own party who didn't give her the chance in time."

Expressen's Anna Gullberg watches the debate with a group of first-time voters outside Dallas, Texas. But she has a hard time hearing what Donald Trump is saying, as the students' laughter drowns out his words. They think Harris is crushing Trump, but will they vote?

"We intend to ask them, but will never know the answer."

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