söndag 1 september 2024


The future of defense
"The demand could put a damper on the Gripen deal"

This week it became known that the Thai Air Force wants to buy Jas Gripen planes. But in order for the deal to go through, it is required that the deal gets the green light from Sweden, reports TT.

A criterion that has been added since 2018 in the overall assessment made by the Inspectorate for Strategic Products, ISP, is the democracy criterion. This means that the buying country must respect human rights and democracy.

- One can have views on that when it comes to Thailand, says Martin Lundmark who is a lecturer in defense systems at the Norwegian Defense Academy.

The criterion could stop the deal. Martin Lundmark points out, however, that the Armed Forces and the government have a "decisive vote in the matter".
Swedish debts
Bailiff: Investigate write-down of debts

The head of the enforcement agency, Fredrik Rosengren, wants to investigate whether debts can be written off. He says so in Ekonomiekot Extra.

- Companies that have debts would then have an incentive to collect the debt more quickly and there would be a further time limit, he says.

Rosengren points out that a similar system for debt write-downs has been introduced in Finland. He emphasizes, however, that he himself does not take a position on whether such a proposal should be introduced in Sweden. Instead, an investigation should highlight both pros and cons.

The Russian invasion. The outside world's response
Eight billion in energy support to Ukraine

The USA provides the equivalent of SEK 8.3 billion in energy support to Ukraine. This is what the country's first deputy prime minister Julia Svyrydenko writes in a post on X in connection with a visit to Washington.

The support will go towards strengthening the country's energy infrastructure, which has been hit hard by Russia's war of aggression.

According to information from Ukrainian authorities, more than half of the country's electricity supply has been destroyed in the Russian attacks.

- Ukraine's energy infrastructure requires an urgent restoration and in this context our American partners play a decisive role, says the head of Ukraine's presidential office Andriy Yermak on Telegram, according to Bloomberg.


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