torsdag 5 september 2024

Heat record: "It has never been 30 degrees"


Extreme weather
49-year-old record broken - is the warmest day in September
Set for more heat records during Thursday and Friday

Trifeh Amini,


Christina Nordh

Published 2024-09-04 14.32

During Wednesday, 30.5 degrees were measured at the measuring station in Helsingborg.

It is the warmest temperature for a September day since we started measuring temperatures.

What have you been doing on this historic day? Chat with us about today's extreme heat.

On Wednesday, the 49-year-old record was broken when the temperature sailed above 30 degrees. The previous heat record was measured at 29.1 degrees in Stehag in Skåne in 1975.

It has been the hottest in Helsingborg with a maximum temperature of 30.9 degrees at 2pm today.

- It has never been thirty degrees on the thermometer in September ever in Sweden, says Klart's meteorologist Lasse Rydqvist.

Also slightly further up the country, in Horn and Målilla, the record was broken, where the temperature had reached 29.6 and 29.2 degrees respectively.

More records can be broken

But there could be more records. In May, the global average temperature was 0.65 degrees above the average for the same month 1991-2020 and 1.52 degrees above the pre-industrial average, the EU climate service Copernicus reported in June.

- On the one hand, the temperature can rise until 3 p.m., on the other hand, the maximum temperature is only established during the evening, says Sofia Söderberg, meteorologist at SMHI.

Only at 20.30 are the values ​​compiled from the country's various measuring stations. And there is a chance that there will be even higher temperatures in the coming days.

- Similar temperatures are expected both Thursday and Friday, it's still similar weather so we'll have to follow up and see how it turns out, says Sofia Söderberg.

In Horn the temperature reached 29.6 and in Målilla 29.2.

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