måndag 2 september 2024

Latest news

The Russian invasion|The response of the outside world
Putin has landed in Mongolia - bound to arrest him

Vladimir Putin has landed in Mongolia, which is formally obliged to arrest him, AP reports.

Mongolia is a signatory to the Rome Statute, which means it stands behind the International Criminal Court and has committed to acting on their arrest warrants. Ukraine has also demanded that Mongolia arrest the Russian president.

However, there is little indication that they will do so, according to the news agency. A spokesman for Putin said last week that they are not worried about the visit.

The elections in Venezuela
US seizes Nicolás Maduro's presidential plan

The US has seized a plane belonging to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, several media reports.

According to a statement from the US Department of Justice, the plane had been purchased for $13 million and "smuggled out of the United States for use by Nicolás Maduro and his cronies."

It is unclear how the plane ended up in American hands.

In June, Maduro declared himself the winner of a presidential election that the United States, like many other countries, has questioned. According to the Department of Justice, the seizure is "an important step to ensure that Maduro continues to feel the consequences of his mismanagement of Venezuela."

The election in the USA The electoral movement
Accident in Tim Walz motorcade - one to hospital

One person has been taken to hospital after several cars in Tim Walz's motorcade collided on the way to Milwaukee on Monday evening, Swedish time. That's what The Hill writes. The car in which the Democratic vice-presidential candidate was traveling should not have been involved in the collision.

The injured person is said to be a reporter who reported from the campaign. According to information given to the newspaper, the person must have broken his arm. Several other people are said to have received minor injuries, but did not need to seek medical care.

It is unclear what caused the accident.
The shooting in Christiania
Hashish sales plummet in Christiania

The number of reported cases of hashish sales in Christiania in Copenhagen has dropped sharply since the infamous Pusher street was dug up at the beginning of April this year. This is reported by Danish TV2 Kosmopol.

According to documents seen by the channel, 97 cases of drug sales were reported in the area in April. In August, the number was four.

- The organized hashish sales that last year consisted of 35 hashish booths no longer exist, says Simon Hansen, deputy police inspector at the Copenhagen Police.

The purpose of the operation was precisely to get rid of drug sales, which had been going on more or less openly in the district for many years.

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