tisdag 3 september 2024

Panic as victimized village reappears: 'Nightmarish'

John Edgar

Published 00.05

Byggnaderna som dränktes av vatten 1980 är synliga igen.
The buildings that were submerged by water in 1980 are visible again. Photo: Stelios Misinas / Reuters

The village was sacrificed in the 70s.

Now it's back.

- It is a nightmarish situation, says former resident Apostolos Gerodimos.

The small village of Kallio, about 20 miles west of Athens, was sacrificed when a newly built dam would secure the water supply to the capital region.

The villagers were moved out and the houses flooded when the water was released.

Shock when the village came back

The residents thought they had seen the last of Kallio forever.

But now the village is back.

Record drought and an almost total lack of rain have caused the water in the dam to drop so low that several houses are once again above the surface.

A total of 80 buildings were sacrificed in the dam construction. In addition to residential buildings, a church and a primary school were also drowned.

The church so far remains in the depths, but what remains of the school is now fully visible due to the receding water levels.


For the Greeks, it is not a welcome sight. On the contrary.

The village's return is further evidence of the water crisis that is starting to create some panic in the country.

- It is a nightmarish situation, says Apostolos Gerodimos, who was one of the residents who got new homes higher up from the dam, to The Guardian.

- The more the water levels drop, the more buildings will reappear. If it doesn't rain this winter, the problem will get even worse.

Kostas Koutsoumbas, deputy mayor of "new" Kallio, estimates that the water level has dropped 40 meters in the dam this year alone.

- We have not seen anything like this since 1993. It will be even more urgent than then if the situation does not improve, he tells The Guardian.

Record heat

The water shortage is already severe in Greece since the record heat during the summer was behind a series of high-profile deaths on the tourist islands and created deadly forest fires.

Multi-billion dollar plans are now being drawn up to improve the situation and be able to secure water supply in the capital.

The region of 3.7 million people that includes Athens has urged residents not to waste water unnecessarily.

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