onsdag 4 september 2024

Telia notifies 3,000 employees

Telia Company
The union: "Surprised that you're taking it so hard that you're cracking"

Hanna Olsson Berg,

Martin Palmborg,

Gustaf Larsson

Updated 09.32 | Published 07.35

Telia notifies 3,000 employees.

The company announced this on Wednesday morning and 1,400 jobs will disappear in Sweden.

"This is a very big notice that has big consequences for our members," says Seko's union president Gabriella Lavecchia in a comment.

Telia is today starting a change program to "simplify its operations by implementing a new operating model", the company writes in a press release.

The aim is to achieve savings of SEK 2.6 billion per year.


Are you affected? Get in touch

If you have information about Telia's notice or are you personally affected - contact our reporter at gustaf.larsson@aftonbladet.se

Therefore, they must now notify 3,000 people in 2024. So far this year, Telia has reduced its workforce by 455 positions and the goal is to implement the remaining reductions by December 1.

- This is a tough decision, but one that is necessary to ensure Telia's long-term success, says Telia CEO Patrik Hofbauer in the press release.

"Short-term solution"

But the union questions whether it would be smart in the long term.

- We see this spontaneously as a short-term solution to solve the financial challenges that have been described at the beginning of the year. We lack a picture of how this can be positive for us in the long term. That is probably our biggest concern for the employees, says Pär Axelsson, union chairman at the local Seko club.

Teliachefen Patrik Hofbauer.
Telia manager Patrik Hofbauer. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

The announcement hits hardest at operations in Sweden, where 1,400 of the affected jobs are located.

Pär Axelsson, who represents around 1,000 Tel employees, describes that they are not completely taken to bed, but that there are still many thoughts spinning today.

- It is still early. We are waiting to get more details from the employer before we start negotiating. Then we will be able to get a better feeling.

Pär Axelsson, Seko-klubbens ordförande på Telia.

Pär Axelsson, chairman of the Seko club at Telia. Photo: Press

"Major consequences"

In a comment, Seko's union president Gabriella Lavecchia says that the notice will have major consequences.

"This is a very big notice that has big consequences for our members. I'm surprised that you take such a hit in a company that also makes big profits".

The restructuring costs totaling SEK 1.4 billion are not expected to affect Telia's financial outlook for 2024, the company believes. Telia currently has 19,730 employees, of which 8,500 are in Sweden, according to TT.

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