söndag 1 september 2024

The climate threat|Global challenges

Unique verdict: South Korea must strengthen climate work

South Korea's lack of action against climate change is a violation of citizens' rights. South Korea's Constitutional Court ruled that Thursday, the New York Times reports. The judgment is unique of its kind in Asia.

The government is now ordered to set strict emission targets for 2031 and beyond. Since 2020, the Constitutional Court has examined more than 250 notifications about the country's climate work, a third of which were made by children and teenagers.
Twelve-year-old activist: I am both happy and proud

Twelve-year-old Jeah Han is part of the South Korean network of children and young people, including babies represented by their parents, who have pursued a legal process to strengthen South Korea's climate work.

She feels confident about the future after this week's verdict from the Constitutional Court, which ruled that reduced emissions are a civil right and ordered the government to set stricter targets.

- I have always felt that this process represented the will of many people. This feels like a dream come true, and I am both happy and proud, she tells The Guardian.

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