onsdag 25 september 2024

Climate threatGlobal challenges

The oil countries: The phasing out of oil is a fantasy

The countries in the Opec oil cartel do not predict a phase-out of oil and gas and believe that demand will increase until at least 2050, AP reports.

The forecast flies in the face of the Paris-based International Energy Agency, which believes demand for oil will peak this decade in favor of renewable energy and electric cars.

In Opec's annual report on oil demand, Saudi Secretary General Haitham Al Ghais writes that it is more realistic that demand will continue to increase for many decades to come.

"What the report rings in is that the fantasy of a phase-out of oil and gas has no basis in reality," he writes.
The climate threat Storm Boris
Study: Climate change made Boris worse

It is likely that climate change contributed to the heavy rainstorm Boris that swept across parts of Europe in mid-September. This is shown by a quick study from the World Weather Attribution (WWA), several media outlets write.

According to the study, the amount of rain that fell over Central Europe on September 12-15 was by a good margin the largest ever measured in the area. The researchers in the study state that climate change made the probability of the downpour at least twice as great.

At least 24 people lost their lives in the storm and the material damage was enormous.
The climate actions
The Swedish group scribbled on the Finnish parliament

The Riksdag building in Helsinki has been vandalized by the activist groups Restore Wetlands and Elokapina (Extinction Rebellion Finland). Finnish Yle writes it.

The groups have scrawled red paint on the building's pillars and stairs.

- It seems to be a matter of protesters who oppose peat mining. We don't know more than that yet, says the Riksdag's director of investigations and information Rainer Hindsberg to Yle.

Ten people are said to have been arrested. The police are investigating the incident as aggravated vandalism.

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