måndag 2 september 2024


Food prices
Sweden's consumers: Should punish more stores

That Swedish stores and e-tailers ignore the new law and cheat with sale prices is "deplorable" and the companies should be pressed harder. That's what Maria Wiezell, consumer advisor at Sweden's consumers, tells TT.

She urges consumers to be better at reporting the companies and the Swedish Consumer Agency to hand out more whites.

- Companies that don't take care of themselves shouldn't get a lot of chances, says Wiezell.

The new law prohibits shops from raising prices before a sale, in order to attract customers to an apparently greater price reduction.


Report: Price cheating in stores continues despite new law

The change in the law that would stop fake sales and promotions in stores has had no effect. This is shown by a recent report from the Swedish Consumer Agency, according to TT.

The law introduced in 2022 means that stores and e-tailers may not raise the price before a sale to make the price reduction look bigger. Six out of ten e-commerce companies did not follow the rules, the review shows.

- We are not surprised that the numbers are high as the report confirms what we have seen in various supervisory efforts during the year, says Johan Ohlsson at the Swedish Consumer Agency to TT.

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