måndag 2 september 2024

The political situation in Congo-Kinshasa

The witness: Heard shots - then I saw the bodies

Electrician Daddi Soso woke up during the night of Monday to the sound of gunshots. Shortly afterwards, he could see security service vehicles passing outside his apartment in Kinshasa, loaded with dead bodies. He tells AFP that.

- I saw dead people and people who fled, he tells the news agency.

During the night, some type of breakout attempt was launched at Makala prison in Congo-Kinshasa's capital. According to the Washington Post, videos allegedly filmed inside the prison also show dead bodies on the floor of the building.

Several other witnesses also said they heard gunfire, according to AFP, but both the government and the police have been tight-lipped about what exactly happened at the prison.


Ten killed in ethnic conflict: "residents flee"

Ten people have been killed in an attack on a bar in the Ituri region in northeastern Congo-Kinshasa, AFP reports.

Five of the dead are supposed to be civilians, the other five military. According to civil society representatives, the incident has caused people to flee the village where the crime occurred.

- Nizi is empty, the inhabitants have fled and the schools are closed, says the local coordinator Jean-Paul Malo Motsima to the news agency.

The conflict in the Ituri region flared up again after several years of calm in 2017. Thousands of people have died in the fighting between ethnic groups in the area.

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