tisdag 3 september 2024

Violence against women in India

Indian state wants death penalty for rape

The Indian state of West Bengal has voted through a law that makes it possible to impose the death penalty for rape. This is reported by AFP.

The state has been rocked by protests since a 31-year-old female doctor was raped and murdered in early August.

For the law to actually have any effect, it must be approved as an exception to the state criminal code by the president. According to the news agency, it is a sign of how the pressure from protesters has reached the highest political level in the state.


The Minister of Justice: Those guilty of the rape should be hanged

Indian West Bengal Prime Minister Mamata Banerjee is calling on the state police CBI to find and hang those responsible for the murder and rape of a 31-year-old doctor in the state in August. This is reported by The Hindu.

- Rape is a curse on humanity, says Banerjee in a speech in the state parliament today.

Earlier today, Parliament voted through a law which means that rapists can be sentenced to the death penalty. Several media outlets describe the law as symbolic if it is not also supported by the country's President Narendra Mohdi.

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