söndag 19 juli 2020

After 6 years of dictatorship government, Today Thai people starts to foght back :

9.3k points · 18 hours ago · edited 44 minutes ago
PlatinumIgnite!Helpful (Pro)Gold4
This picture was shot by u/nahmtoey
Why is this look like nazi salute? Is it nazi salute? No it isn't. Read this comment.
Context : I could go on and on and write a book about all the problems we are facing, but to put it simply, in 2013 there's military coup, in 2019 there's election. The military cheat their way in to win anyway, and they failed to manage​ country. It's even more obvious​ when there's covid-19. The economy is fallen. People suicides every week because they lost their hope. Some people kill their spouse and child then suicide becuase they can't feed their family. The rest go hungry or homeless.
People start to question​ the dictatorship​ government. They try to silenced us by doing thing they always do : enforced disappearence. HUNDREDS​ of people who speak up go missing. It's fucking scary. Sometimes they charge and jail people for simply holding a sign.
Today we fight back, but apparently, the government​ has silence​d the news agency too. Our protesting is barely on news.
Edit : it's 2014 not 2013
want to read actual news about protesting instead of my semi-rant? Go here and this
You heard that Thai people handle covid-19 very well, yes you are right, but that's because we are alerted and, let's say, handle it by ourselves, while The dictatorship​ government make everything worse and basically​ go against their​ own rule.
We are the first country besides​ China to have covid-19 cases, wanna know​ why? While others country start to banned china people to enter their country. They (as in, the DG)​ suck china's dick and have the campaign to specifically welcome chinese tourists.
Then, the DG start to tell people to social distancing and banned the crowd place.
Thing doesn't get so bad yet. Until there's multiple case in the same time. We found out that the patient are all going to same place : The boxing stage. which is somehow still open. And who own that boxing stage? The big name soldier who play big role in the DG.
Thing start to get bad but Thai people are very alert about the disease. We wear mask everyday. Social distancing. Quarantine. Wash our hand. Stop running business.
Then the​ price of surgical masks suddenly very expensive from the store and it's getting hard to find them. from high demand, maybe. The DG​ say doctor come first and demand that every masks factory stop export masks to another country​ and send masks to them so they can pass it to the hospitals, but the hospital​s said that they didn't receive any masks.
Laters, they found 200 millions pieces of surgical masks in the hand of the man who try to export it to china. The man claimed that he has the support from the assistant of fucking minister of agriculture himself.
The DG banned many business now. People start to getting financial problem, lost their job (my sister too)​ So they promise to give people 5000 baht. But the register system is broken and more than 3/4 of people didn't get the money
The economy was fallen. Some people is homeless now. There's people who suicide, some of them took their​ whole family as well.
But we didn't let our guard down. We social distancing. We wear masks (fabric mask now because the whole country run out of surgical masks)​ EVEN AFTER 40-50 DAYS OF LAST COVID-19 CASE FOUND.
then a few day ago. There's 2 cases of covid-19, out of the blue.
The first case is Egypt soldier who fly in from Egypt's army plane. And who give permission to that plane? Ministry of Foreign affairs! Every people who come to Thailand have to quarantine for 14 days, but they​ let this dude wandared around in Rayong district. Army. Military. You know who's behind this stuff.
The second case is Sudan 9-year-old girls. The detect that she has covid-19 since she arrives at the airport but they​ let her go quarantine herself because she's daughter of diplomat.?!?????
The Rayong district is in trouble. We just reopen the school in 1 July and now the school in Rayong had to close again. 90% percent of hotel booking was cancelled. The tourism which start to going good, going to hell again.
The ministry of Health, try stupidity to save Rayong tourism, said that there's no danger. He said that he'll give 100000 baht if people who travel to Rayong catch covid-19. I want to die.
The prime minister went to Rayong district. There are 2 guys simply holding a sign to protest. The cops force them into cars and finally let them go kilometers away from their protest point. They had to walk back.
That, along with several people that has been enforced disappearence. Is a breaking point. So we start protesting.
The guys who hold a sign at Rayong join the protest today. His quote? "I've decided to walk this way (protesting)​ I already told my mom to prepare my funeral"
People who speak up about problem in Thailand often ending up to jail or disappear​ing (aka die if you ask me)​ that's why we need to spread the words worldwide. Help us.
Read this too
It's from the​ hunger​ game. I never watch​ the​ hunger ​game​ but I​ think​ the​ gesture​ was​ to​ pay​ respect ​and​ say​ goodbye​ to​ Katniss, and then​ she​ survive ​the ​game​ and​ help​ other​ boy​ to ​survive ​too, right? It's against​ the​ rule​ so people look​ up​ to​ that​ as a rebellion, and it quickly became a thing.
Inspired by its use in The Hunger Games, the three finger salute is now used in Thailand as a way to protest the military coup in control of the Thai government. The protest usage began in 2014 during the release of Mockingjay: Part 1 and is now illegal in Thailand.
Worth mentioning that​ I don't really know if this gesture is really illegal, but they chuck a bunch of guys who do this in jail so I suppose it is? Idk. They jail a guy who read 1984 book too I think.
If I see another comment saying "nazi salute" I will lost my shit. Also, for people who call this gesture cringey, read this
We are new to the big protest stuff. This is our first day. Just today, there's soldiers, fully armed, going in the​ school near the​ protest place.(it's saturday, phew)​ The polices lure the protester into the police cars and try to drive away. (they are safe now)​ People are hurt by officer EVERYWHERE. but we will be back in a fortnight. Please keep spreading the words. YOU wil make our next act easier. Thanks!
level 2
4.1k points · 15 hours agoTake My Energy

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