tisdag 31 december 2024

Security around the Baltic Sea

Finnish police: No spy equipment on Eagle S

The Finnish police deny that there is any Russian spy equipment on board the ship Eagle S, which is suspected of the cable break in the Baltic Sea.

“We have now conducted an extensive investigation of the ship and have not found any such equipment,” writes detective Elina Katajamäki to Iltalehti.

It was on Friday that the prestigious British shipping magazine Lloyd’s List published information from a source who sold commercial services to Eagle S seven months ago.

The source stated that the ship was at the time fully loaded with spy equipment that monitored NATO air and sea traffic, and handed over around 60 classified documents that Lloyd’s List verified.

According to the source, the equipment was unloaded in Russia before the cable break.

Seven suspected of crimes on Eagle S – receive travel ban

Seven people on the crew of Eagle S are suspected of crimes, Finnish police say, according to Hufvudstadsbladet.

All have been placed under a travel ban. It is not clear what crimes they are suspected of, but the investigation concerns aggravated sabotage and aggravated communication crime.

The crew consists of 24 people in total, and all have not yet been questioned. The police are now investigating what roles they had on the ship.

“The greatest interest is directed at the part that was responsible for the ship’s journey at the time of the incident,” writes Criminal Inspector Elina Katajamäki in an email comment.

Eagle S, which is moored in Finland, is suspected of sabotage of the Estlink 2 submarine cable in the Baltic Sea.

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