Magnus Ranstorp, Associate Professor at the Center for Asymmetric Threat and Terrorism Studies at the University of Defense. Jonas Ekströmer/TT
The Koran burnings
Terrorist researcher: The most serious security situation in a long time
It has been a long time since Sweden was in such a serious security situation as it is now, according to terrorism researcher Magnus Ranstorp.
- When there is so much talk and focus on Sweden in negative terms and emotions are so played up, the security situation becomes much more serious, he says in Studio Ett in P1, referring to the recent Koran burnings.
The security police now have to work faster and harder, notes Ranstorp. In addition, long-term work is underway to reduce conflict levels and try to establish a dialogue to explain the situation in Sweden, he says.
Sofia Bard and discussion about the Koran burning on social media Magnus Liam Karlsson
SI: The Koran burning can change the image of Sweden
The world's view of Sweden is at risk of changing as a result of the burning of the Koran in Stockholm, states the Swedish Institute. At least in the parts of the world where the matter is debated.
- Until lunchtime today, there had been approximately 600,000 posts on social media and media about the event in the channels we follow, says Sofia Bard, head of the institute's unit for Sweden image analysis, to TT.
According to Bard, the discussion of the incident was initially conducted in Arabic, but by Friday more and more was being written in English.
Sofia Bard believes that the image of Sweden is changing slowly and that the usual image is that Sweden is an equal country where different cultures and religions are respected.
- But if this type of message is spread, there is a risk that the image of Sweden will be affected in the countries where this is spread.
Det var länge sedan Sverige befann sig i ett så allvarligt säkerhetsläge som nu, enligt terrorforskaren Magnus Ranstorp.
– När det pratas och fokuseras så mycket på Sverige i negativa termer och känslorna är så uppspelta så blir säkerhetsläget mycket mer allvarligt, säger han i Studio Ett i P1 och syftar på den senaste tidens koranbränningar.
Säkerhetspolisen får nu jobba snabbare och hårdare, konstaterar Ranstorp. Därtill pågår ett långsiktigt arbete med att få ner konfliktnivåerna och försöka få till en dialog för att förklara läget i Sverige, säger han.
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