tisdag 25 juli 2023

Super typhoon Doksuri

Satellitbild på supertyfonen Doksuri AP
Satellite image of super typhoon Doksuri AP  
Super typhoon Doksuri 
China and Taiwan prepare for super typhoon Doksuri  
Ahead of super typhoon Doksuri, China urges fishing boats to seek shelter and farmers to speed up their harvests, AP reports. Taiwan is also suspending its annual military exercises ahead of the typhoon, which is expected to sweep across East Asia and make its way deep into the Chinese interior during the days.  
The typhoon is believed to be the most powerful typhoon in China this year and autumn crops may be adversely affected.  
Thousands of people have been evacuated in the northern Philippines in anticipation of the storm.  
Evakuerade inför supertyfonen i norra Filippinerna. AP 
Evacuated before the super typhoon in the northern Philippines. AP  
Thousands are being evacuated ahead of the super typhoon in the Philippines  
A super typhoon has approached the northern Philippines during the day and an evacuation order for thousands of people has been issued, AP reports.  
The typhoon known as Doksuri is expected to move in over Cagayan province or the Babuyan Islands on Wednesday and then move on to Taiwan and China. Wind gusts have been measured at 50 meters per second and over 200 millimeters of rain is expected to fall in the area.  
The Philippines is hit annually by about 20 strong storms and storms that result in hundreds of deaths.

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