fredag 3 januari 2025

Australia's 2024 second warmest: 'New normal'


2024 was second warmest: "Is it the new normal"
Professor: Climate change has played a big role

Christina Nordh

Published 00.31

En skogsbrand rasade utom kontroll i Grampians National park i australiska delstaten Victoria. Räddningstjänsten är på plats, men har inte lyckats stoppa den.
A forest fire raged out of control in Grampians National Park in the Australian state of Victoria. The emergency services are on site, but have not managed to stop it. Photo: State Control Centre / AP
The average temperature in Australia has risen to 1.46 degrees Celsius above average. 
According to climate scientists, this is the “new normal.”

Measurements in Australia began in 1910 and according to the Bureau of Meteorology, last year was the country's second warmest year ever, writes the British The Guardian. Just beat the record year 2019, when the average temperature was 1.51 degrees Celsius.

Last year, nighttime temperatures were 1.43 degrees above average, the previous heat record was set in 1991 and was 1.27 degrees.

More greenhouse gases

According to climate scientists, the majority of temperature increases are caused by the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

“This is becoming routine now,” says Professor Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick, deputy director of the Centre of Excellence at the Australian National University in Canberra.

“Climate change has undoubtedly played a major role because none of the climate mechanisms that normally contribute to a warm year – such as El Niño or conditions in the Indian Ocean – were really in play.

In the spring of 2024, the temperature was on average two degrees above pre-industrial times and was the warmest ever recorded. The winter was the second warmest and several heat records were broken in August.

Queensland had its warmest year on record, while South Australia and Western Australia saw their second warmest years. New South Wales had its third warmest year, Victoria its fifth and Tasmania tied for fifth, while the Northern Territory experienced its 11th warmest year.

Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania had slightly drier years than average, but other states and territories were wetter than normal.

“Can’t have cool years anymore”

Bureau of Meteorology data shows that Australia’s ten warmest years on record have all occurred since 2005. Only two years in the past 40 years, from 1989-2000, have been colder than average.

“It’s not physically possible for us to have really cool years anymore. With all this warming baked in, it’s virtually impossible to have a year that’s much colder than average,” Perkins-Kirkpatrick said.

Dr Ailie Gallant, a climate scientist at Monash University in Melbourne, said:

“This is the new normal for us and it will continue to be, because we have not seen any reduction in greenhouse gases. Every year will be near the top of the list.

According to a report by Climate Central, one in two people in the world experienced unusually high temperatures during June, July and August last year.

25 per cent of the world’s population, more than two billion people, experienced 30 days or more of extreme heat that could be life-threatening.

           En ståpaddlare på väg över vattnet i Salamanderbukten norr om Sydney.

A stand-up paddler makes his way across the water in Salamander Bay, north of Sydney. Photo:   Mark Baker / A


2024 warmest year ever recorded in China
Was just over a degree warmer on average


Updated 00.31 | Published 2025-01-02 05.42

En pojke svettas under solskydd i den Förbjudna staden i Peking. Arkivbild från 2023.
A boy sweats under sunshade in the Forbidden City in Beijing. Archive photo from 2023. Photo: Andy Wong/AP/TT

Last year was the warmest year recorded in China since measurements began on a full scale in 1961, the country's meteorological authority writes on its website.

According to the authority, the average temperature last year was just over 10.92 degrees, which was 1.03 degrees above previously recorded average data.

The authority states that the last four years have been the warmest ever recorded. Ten of the warmest years since 1961, the first year when comprehensive measurements began, have occurred in the 21st century.

China is the world's single largest emitter of greenhouse gases but has pledged to start reducing emissions from 2030, with a goal of net zero emissions by 2060.

The UN noted on the eve of New Year's Day that 2024 will be the warmest year ever recorded worldwide.


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