Prince Harry arrives at the court in London. Kin Cheung / AP
Prince Harry: Felt hostility from the press since I was born
Since the day he was born, Prince Harry has felt hostility from the British press. He says so in his testimony before the court in London.
He and several other British celebrities have sued the newspaper group Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN) for phone hacking. The prince was pressed by the company's lawyer because he did not remember exactly which articles made him feel ill.
- It was not a specific article but all of them. All the articles have given me anxiety, he says.
Prince Harry also says that in every relationship he has had there has been a third party – the tabloid press.
Prince Harry. Phil Harris / AP
Anger and surprise when Harry did not appear in court
The fact that Prince Harry did not personally appear in court on the first day of the trial is causing irritation. This is reported by AP and AFP.
When the proceedings against The Mirror Group began, the royal's lawyer stated that he could not attend because he had taken a late Sunday flight from Los Angeles where he had celebrated his daughter Lilibet's second birthday.
- I'm a little surprised, commented the judge Timothy Fancourt according to the news agency AP.
- Deeply worrying, said the newspaper group's representative Andrew Green.
The plan is for the prince to give his testimony starting on Tuesday, but the court had instructed him to be there on Monday as well in case they were ahead of schedule.
Harry and a large number of other British celebrities have sued the Mirror Group Newspapers for phone hacking.
Ilska och förvåning när Harry inte dök upp i rätten
Att prins Harry inte personligen infann sig i domstolen den
första rättegångsdagen väcker irritation. Det rapporterar AP och AFP.
förhandlingarna mot The Mirror Group inleddes konstaterade
kunglighetens advokat att denne inte kunde närvara eftersom han tagit
ett sent söndagsplan från Los Angeles där han firat sin dotter Lilibets
– Jag är lite förvånad, kommenterade domaren Timothy Fancourt enligt nyhetsbyrån AP.
– Djupt bekymrande, menade tidningskoncernens ombud Andrew Green.
är att prinsen ska lämna sitt vittnesmål med start på tisdagen, men
domstolen hade instruerat honom att finnas på plats även på måndagen
ifall de skulle hamna före schemat.
Harry och ett stort antal andra brittiska kändisar har stämt tidningskoncernen Mirror Group Newspapers för telefonhackning.
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