Not a scent molecule suggests left on SVT
Jan Guillou
This is a commenting text. Analysis and positions are the writer's.
Published 06.47
The moderates would prefer to privatize the whole shit.
The moderates would prefer to privatize the whole shit.
Photo: Andreas Bardell
The shift to the right in SVT is starting to appear more and more clearly. It is admittedly a process that has been going on for a long time, but which has naturally been accelerated with a government that is the most right-wing radical in Sweden's history.
Even a decade ago, SVT's politically heaviest program Agenda would have torn up heaven and earth at the news of a defense agreement between Sweden and the United States that gives the United States, and the country's future commander-in-chief Donald Trump, supremacy over Sweden's entire defense force and does not even limit the United States: s right to station nuclear weapons on our territory.
It is a submission agreement, as if it did not apply to Sweden as an equal party, but rather to occupied Iraq. It is an agreement which, in the long run, can also mean that full American soldiers on leave in the garrison cities live the devil like a gentleman's people without anyone being able to intervene and that they can then retreat to their bases where American law applies and Swedish police do not have access. In principle, the agreement means that the American military, their families and servicemen stationed in Sweden are above the law. And of course they are tax-exempt, even from VAT. Which seems like a topic that would have been enough for more than one whole evening in Agenda.
Last Sunday, they instead gave space to a minister for rural areas who wanted to shoot 300 of Sweden's 450 wolves, claiming that the wolves ate children. Without either being laughed at or getting follow-up questions about how he intended to destroy the wolf tribe without getting the EU after him.
Public service lives dangerously under right-wing regimes so this is not an incomprehensible development. The two heavy right-wing parties SD and M both hate journalism in the form of public service because they hate uncontrolled socially critical journalism, according to both parties such journalism is by definition "left-wing".
There is a contradiction within the right that is difficult to compromise. The moderates would prefer to privatize the whole crap in order to, with the help of market forces ("freedom of choice"), render socially critical journalism harmless.
The Sweden Democrats have a completely different recipe, which they declared much more openly than the Moderates did with theirs. On the contrary, SD wants to strengthen the state's grip on public service, introduce punishments or sanctions against journalists who engage in inappropriate journalism, fire everyone who can be labeled as "left-wing" and replace them with their own journalists. The role model seems to be Hungary, and the SD has not shied away from that.
The goal for them is of course to get rid of all media criticism of their own politics. And that is described as a fight against left-leaning journalism.
Which is almost tragicomic from a leftist perspective. Public Service has had no left-wing bias in its journalism for forty years. I think I can tell right-wing and left-wing journalists apart, if not by appearance, then at least by smell. If you go to SVT today, there is not even a scent molecule in the air that suggests anything left.
Just look at community programs like Mission Review. What is revealed? That Russian embassy intelligence officers are engaged in (drumroll) – intelligence! In which direction is social criticism directed? Against imams who, through fake conversations, are put on the slippery slope with sly questions about whether you can beat your child if it is particularly naughty. Harmless and pro-regime journalism.
The public service employees are thus no more stupid than those with their index finger in the air who feel which way the wind is blowing. It applies to their jobs.
Which the right-wing parties who still disagree on the strategic question like to remind. For example, by ordering savings packages. Just as a small warning of what may come in the future, especially if SD takes over all the power. Or at least the democratic right-wing party tames enough for consultation to scrap that idea of silencing social criticism in the public service with the help of market forces and instead go in to "strengthen" the public service, give them greater resources, higher salaries , anything. Only they get the gallop and are polite to the legion of former, now suit-wearing, skinheads who will occupy all executive positions.
Already today, Jimmie Åkesson is interviewed as if he were a normal politician among other bourgeois. Politely submissive, in short. Not at all as if he represented a movement that is openly racist, wants to find legal ways to deprive Swedes with the wrong racial characteristics of their citizenship, wants to ethnically cleanse Sweden through more and more clever methods of deporting people from the country even if they have committed no other crimes than skin- and eye color, who fantasize about "real" Swedes where Sami and Jews cannot be included, who replaced the Nazis' street terror against their opponents with night terrors, who cover up their anti-Semitism with Islamophobia. No, this leader of the mutated fascism of our time is treated like a decent man. Already. And it is a westerly wind towards what will become a reality after a veritable takeover.
So it can certainly be understood that the journalists at SVT are looking at their house and are walking away from their democratic mission.
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