onsdag 31 juli 2024

Political situation in Guinea

Witnesses scared after the verdict: "Everyone knows where I live"

Several who testified against Guinea's ex-president are afraid of revenge after he was convicted of crimes against humanity on Wednesday, the Washington Post writes. According to them, many who participated in the massacre and rapes in 2009 for which the former president was convicted are still free.

- Everyone knows where I live, how I move outside, how I dress, says Saran Cissé, who wants help to escape.

In her testimony, she said she begged the security forces closing in on a crowd in a sports stadium to kill her instead of raping her.

Some of the victims and their families praised the sentence of 20 years in prison for ex-president Moussa Dadis Camara, while others thought it was too lenient, AP writes.

- The verdict sends a clear signal that justice is possible for those responsible for serious crimes in Guinea and elsewhere, says Human Rights Watch International Legal Director Tamara Aburamadan.


Guinea's ex-president is convicted of crimes against humanity

Moussa Dadis Camara was Guinea's highest official and therefore responsible for a massacre and mass rape 15 years ago. Therefore, he is sentenced to 20 years in prison and compensation for crimes against humanity, reports AFP.

The events for which he was convicted took place on September 28, 2009. Security forces opened fire on peaceful protesters at a sports stadium in the capital, Conakry. At least 156 people were killed and 109 women were raped by the forces, according to the verdict.

Along with Camara, another ten senior leaders were sentenced for the same incident. They blamed themselves on their subordinates.

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