lördag 27 juli 2024

Trump: "You will not have to vote"


Donald Trump
Trump: You won't have to vote

Knut Sahlin Ekberg,


Updated 13.00 | Published 07.10

During the night, former president Donald Trump gave a speech in Florida.

He accused his rival of anti-Semitism - and made a new promise to his voters.

- We will have it so well organized that you will not have to vote, says Trump.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gave a speech in Florida to the conservative and religious group "Turning Point Action".

He urged his constituents to go and vote:

- Christians, go out and vote, just this once. You won't have to do it again, he says and continues:

- In four years you will not have to vote again. We will have it so well organized that you won't have to vote, he says.

Republikanernas presidentkandidat Donald Trump höll tal i Florida till den konservativa och religiösa

Repulikanernas presidentkandidat, tillika USA:s tidigare president Donald Trump under ett valmöte i Florida på fredagen.
Republican presidential candidate, also former US President Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Florida on Friday. Photo: Alex Brandon/AP/TT

During the speech, he also accused his opponent, Democrat  Kamala Harris, of anti-Semitism.

- She doesn't like Jews. She doesn't like Israel. That's the way it is and that's the way it will always be. She will not change, Trump said of Harris, completely without basis.

Accuses Harris of murdering children

Harris, who is married to a Jewish man, is also accused of "wanting to kill unborn children" by former President Trump.

- If Kamala Harris gets her way, she will introduce a federal abortion law that allows tearing the baby out of the womb in the eighth or ninth month and also executing babies after birth.

He praised the Supreme Court for overturning Roe v. Wade and underlined his ambition to add another new justice to the Supreme Court.

- I will once again appoint a staunch conservative judge, he says.

Donald Trump has raised the rhetoric after showing a somewhat softer side of himself in connection with the assassination attempt against him during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania in mid-July. Trump was wounded in the ear by a bullet and a person in the audience died before police killed the shooter.

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